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引用本文:何新文. 论元明清时期的文学目录[J]. 湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2000, 0(6)
摘    要:元明清三代 ,是古代文学目录学取得重要成就的时期。元代最值得注意的是马端临别具特点的《文献通考·经籍考》之集部和钟嗣成的戏曲文学专目《录鬼簿》 ,《录鬼簿》的出现对明清戏曲文学目录的繁荣产生了直接影响。明、清两朝 :史志目录如《明志》、《清志》等 ,均继续设有集部著录文学文献 ;种类繁富、数量众多的私人藏书目录 ,不仅大都著录文学著作 ,还载入许多为官修、史志目录所不载的白话小说和戏剧作品 ,弥补了正统目录的不足 ,反映了古代文学目录的新进展 ;专科、专题性的文学目录也有了相当程度的发展 ,如不少专集一书之篇目或引书的目录、专录学者个人著述的著述目录等 ,都很有影响 ;而乾隆年间著名学者章学诚对目录学的理论探讨和《四库全书总目》集部空前丰富的文学文献著录及其体例完备的类序、提要等 ,更是这一时期文学目录方面的重要成果

关 键 词:《录鬼簿》  《四库全书总目》  元明清文学目录  成就及特色

Catalogues of Literature of the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties
HE Xin-wen. Catalogues of Literature of the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties[J]. Journal of Hubei University(Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2000, 0(6)
Authors:HE Xin-wen
Abstract:The Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties witnessed great success in ancient literary bibliography. For the Yuan Dynasty, our special attention should be given to A General Study of Literature:Investigations on Confucian Classics by MA Duan-lin and A Catalogue of Operas by ZHONG Si-cheng. And the latter contributed a lot to the prosperity of catalogues of the Ming and Qing opera literature. For the Ming and Qing Dynasties, achievements in this field were recorded in History of the Ming Dynasty, History of the Qing Dynasty, various catalogues of personal libraries, specialized catalogues of literature, etc. In particular, the theoretical inquiry into bibliography by ZHANG Xue-cheng, famous scholar of the Qianlong age, together with A General Catalogue of the Complete Collection of Four Treasuries, marked the greatest gain of literary catalogues in this period.
Keywords:a Catalogue of Operas  a General Catalogue of the Complete Collection of Four Treasuries  catalogues of the Yuan   Ming and Qing literature  achievements and features  
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