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Missing item imputation for quality-of-life instruments with application to asthma quality-of-life questionnaires
Authors:Wang Jixian  Rapatz Guenter  Lowy Adam  Olson Sabine  Kuebler Juergen
Affiliation:Novartis Pharma AG, Postfach, Basel, Switzerland. jixian.wang@novartis.com
There has been increasing use of quality-of-life (QoL) instruments in drug development. Missing item values often occur in QoL data. A common approach to solve this problem is to impute the missing values before scoring. Several imputation procedures, such as imputing with the most correlated item and imputing with a row/column model or an item response model, have been proposed. We examine these procedures using data from two clinical trials, in which the original asthma quality-of-life questionnaire (AQLQ) and the miniAQLQ were used. We propose two modifications to existing procedures: truncating the imputed values to eliminate outliers and using the proportional odds model as the item response model for imputation. We also propose a novel imputation method based on a semi-parametric beta regression so that the imputed value is always in the correct range and illustrate how this approach can easily be implemented in commonly used statistical software. To compare these approaches, we deleted 5% of item values in the data according to three different missingness mechanisms, imputed them using these approaches and compared the imputed values with the true values. Our comparison showed that the row/column-model-based imputation with truncation generally performed better, whereas our new approach had better performance under a number scenarios.
Keywords:AQLQ  imputation  item response model  missing item  quality‐of‐life instrument
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