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引用本文:顾其银. 论社会主义市场经济条件下有限政府的构建[J]. 江苏社会科学, 2011, 0(6)
作者单位:南京森林警察学院 210046
摘    要:建立有限政府是完善市场经济体制的一项要求,符合科学发展观全面协调发展的理念。构建有限政府,必须对市场经济发展脉络进行历时性考察,探析政府对市场经济不合理干预的深层原因,重估政府作用、重新界定政府与市场的权力权利分配体系、加强对税收收支监管后,通过政府权力—公共领域—市场经济的理论进路建立有限政府以应对市场失灵。

关 键 词:有限政府  市场经济  公共领域  

On the Construction of Limited Government in Socialist Market Economy
Gu qiyin. On the Construction of Limited Government in Socialist Market Economy[J]. Jiangsu Social Sciences, 2011, 0(6)
Authors:Gu qiyin
Abstract:The establishment of limited government is a requirement to improve the market economic system,consistent with the scientific concept of comprehensive and coordinated development.It must adhere to the Marxism theory as the guiding principle to build the limited government.The paper diachronically studies the market economy,analyzes the unreasonable factors of government intervention in the market economy,revaluates the role of government,redefines the powers of government and the market,strengthens the tax ...
Keywords:limited government  market economy  public domain  
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