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引用本文:谭袁. 经济法产生根源的思考[J]. 石河子大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2012, 26(4): 60-65
摘    要:政府经济职能是经济法产生的根源,政府在履行经济职能的过程中,根据自身的政治决策选择适当的经济学观点作为指针,并将那些被实践证明为正确的经验用法律的形式固定下来,以使这种正确的经验获得法律效力并在更广的范围之内实现。经济学借由政府的经济决策而对经济法产生巨大的影响,使得经济学所探索的经济规律获得了法律这一新的力量为自己开辟道路。而经济法一旦制定,同样可以为经济学研究设定制度性的框架,并可以使政府的经济决策在法律的框架内避免成为政治专断。

关 键 词:政府经济职能  经济法  经济学  政策

Discussion on the Origin of the Economic Law
TAN Yuan. Discussion on the Origin of the Economic Law[J]. Journal of SHIHEZI University(Philosophy and Social Science), 2012, 26(4): 60-65
Authors:TAN Yuan
Affiliation:TAN Yuan(Law School,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872,China)
Abstract:The origin of the Economic Law lies in government’s economic function.According to its own political judgment,the government selects adequate economic standpoints as the guidelines in the process of implementing the economic function,and fixes the experiences which have been proved correctly in the form of law,so as to make these experiences fulfilled in a broader context.Economics affects the Economic Law greatly through the government’s economic decisions which make the law pave the way for economic disciplines.And the Economic Law,once it has been enacted,can set the institutional framework for the economic research,and protect the government’s economic decision from being political arbitrariness.
Keywords:government’s economic function  Economic Law  economics  policy
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