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引用本文:[中国澳门]邓国光. 翁方纲《四库提要》稿本的文论意义[J]. 湖南大学学报(社会科学版), 2017, 0(1): 28-31
作者单位:(澳门大学 中国文学系,澳门999078)
摘    要:中国文学思想其实不限于学士文人之间的切磋讨论,统治意志对待文学的态度,其实亦起重大的支配作用。正视历史的真实相,则《四库提要》所体现的官方文论立场,则显然易见,而学界在整理总结《四库提要》的文论思想方面,亦已成绩斐然。唯于其中的观念的形成过程,则必待今存翁方纲所撰《四库提要稿》方能清楚理解。本文发现翁方纲拈出“神理”为判断文学根本性质,意义远出学界所“肌理”观念之上。然因其原出明茅坤《史记钞》,在抹杀前朝的官方意识的前提影响下,《四库提要》定稿者拒绝翁方纲的意见,更加有激于此而进一步强化官方意识,抑制文人学士的观念发展。

关 键 词:翁方纲;纪昀;文论;神理;治统

On the Meaning of Literary Theory of The Draft of The Abstract of Si Ku Quan Shu by Weng Fanggang
DENG Guo-guang. On the Meaning of Literary Theory of The Draft of The Abstract of Si Ku Quan Shu by Weng Fanggang[J]. Journal of Hunan University(Social Sciences), 2017, 0(1): 28-31
Authors:DENG Guo-guang
Abstract:The development of traditional Chinese literary theory and thought was not only a product between the interflowing of writers and scholars but also the immense inference of the ruling authority,and it was a historical fact. The Abstract of Si Ku Quan Shu was a typical example that had been fully discussed,but the Draft by Weng Fanggang as a basic source had composed an important new ideal on the issue of Literary subjects such as the creative mind of writers that had not been accepted by the Court editors,which revealed a fact that the conservative narration on literary thought was strengthened towards the authority and vice visa.
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