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Transductive versions of the LASSO and the Dantzig Selector
Authors:Pierre Alquier  Mohamed Hebiri
Affiliation:1. LPMA (Université Paris 7), 175, rue du Chevaleret, 75013 Paris, France;2. CREST-LS, Timbre J350, 3, avenue Pierre Larousse, 92240 Malakoff, France;3. Département de mathématiques, Université de Marne-la-Vallée, Cité Descartes, 5, boulevard Descartes, Champs-sur-Marne, 77454 Marne-la-Vallée Cedex 2, France
Abstract:Transductive methods are useful in prediction problems when the training dataset is composed of a large number of unlabeled observations and a smaller number of labeled observations. In this paper, we propose an approach for developing transductive prediction procedures that are able to take advantage of the sparsity in the high dimensional linear regression. More precisely, we define transductive versions of the LASSO (Tibshirani, 1996) and the Dantzig Selector (Candès and Tao, 2007). These procedures combine labeled and unlabeled observations of the training dataset to produce a prediction for the unlabeled observations. We propose an experimental study of the transductive estimators that shows that they improve the LASSO and Dantzig Selector in many situations, and particularly in high dimensional problems when the predictors are correlated. We then provide non-asymptotic theoretical guarantees for these estimation methods. Interestingly, our theoretical results show that the Transductive LASSO and Dantzig Selector satisfy sparsity inequalities under weaker assumptions than those required for the “original” LASSO.
Keywords:High-dimensional data   LASSO   Sparsity   High-dimensional regression estimation   Variable selection   Transduction
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