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A tardiness-augmented approximation scheme for rejection-allowed multiprocessor rescheduling
Authors:Luo  Wenchang  Chin  Rylan  Cai  Alexander  Lin  Guohui  Su  Bing  Zhang  An
Affiliation:1.School of Mathematics and Statistics, Ningbo University, Ningbo, China
;2.Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, T6G 2E8, Alberta, Canada
;3.School of Economics and Management, Xi’an Technological University, Xi’an, 710064, Shaanxi, China
;4.Department of Mathematics, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, China

In the multiprocessor scheduling problem to minimize the total job completion time, an optimal schedule can be obtained by the shortest processing time rule and the completion time of each job in the schedule can be used as a guarantee for scheduling revenue. However, in practice, some jobs will not arrive at the beginning of the schedule but are delayed and their delayed arrival times are given to the decision-maker for possible rescheduling. The decision-maker can choose to reject some jobs in order to minimize the total operational cost that includes three cost components: the total rejection cost of the rejected jobs, the total completion time of the accepted jobs, and the penalty on the maximum tardiness for the accepted jobs, for which their completion times in the planned schedule are their virtual due dates. This novel rescheduling problem generalizes several classic NP-hard scheduling problems. We first design a pseudo-polynomial time dynamic programming exact algorithm and then, when the tardiness can be unbounded, we develop it into a fully polynomial time approximation scheme. The dynamic programming exact algorithm has a space complexity too high for truthful implementation; we propose an alternative to integrate the enumeration and the dynamic programming recurrences, followed by a depth-first-search walk in the reschedule space. We implemented the alternative exact algorithm in C and conducted numerical experiments to demonstrate its promising performance.

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