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引用本文:林振草. 郑和下西洋反思[J]. 贵州大学学报(社会科学版), 2003, 21(1): 98-105
摘    要:通过对十五世纪中、西方远航船队的比较 ,昭示世人郑和船队的伟大。通过对郑和下西洋目的的辨析 ,阐明了明成祖朱棣和明宣宗朱瞻基派遣郑和下西洋的真实意图 ,追求“天下共主”的虚名和“贸采琛异”的耗费 ,给明朝社会经济带来了沉重打击。这是“埋葬”伟大郑和船队的根本原因

关 键 词:郑和  下西洋  天下共主  贸采琛异

A Re - examination of the Expedition to the West by Zheng He
LIN Zhen-cao. A Re - examination of the Expedition to the West by Zheng He[J]. Journal of Guizhou University(Social Science), 2003, 21(1): 98-105
Authors:LIN Zhen-cao
Abstract:Through a comparison of the Chinese oceangoing fleet with the Western one in the fifteenth century, this paper is intended to show the power of Zheng He's fleet to the people all over the world. With an analysis of the purpose of Zheng He's expeditions to the West by sea, it also states the real intention of the emperors, Zhu Di and Zhu Zhanji in the Ming dynasty, about why they sent Zheng He there. To seek the undeserved reputation of emperorship of the whole world and purchase a lot of jewelry, rare birds, rare animals and various perfume, the emperors spent a large amount of money, which gave a heavy blow to the social and economic development in the Ming dynasty. This is the basic reason of why Zheng He's fleet encountered its failure in the end.
Keywords:Zheng He  go to the West by sea  emperorship of all the world  purchase a lot of jewelry   rare birds   rare animals and various perfume
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