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Predictors of aggression among Palestinians in Israel and Gaza: Happiness,need to belong,and self-control
Authors:Tammie Ronen  Izzeldin Abuelaish  Michael Rosenbaum  Qutaiba Agbaria  Liat Hamama
Affiliation:1. Tel Aviv University, Israel;2. University of Toronto, Canada;3. Al-Qasmi College, Baqa Elgarbia, Israel
Abstract:The present study examined a strong need for belonging (sensitivity to social rejection) as a risk factor and happiness and self-control skills as protective factors in predicting peer-directed aggression among 292 Israeli Palestinian Arab adolescents and 398 Gazan Palestinian Arab adolescents of similar ages (mean ~ 14 years). Findings demonstrated that the two Palestinian groups showed similar aggression rates, but Israeli Palestinians revealed higher self-control, higher happiness, and higher need for belonging than their Gazan peers. Moreover, each of the three predictors, separately, was significantly linked to aggression for the Israelis but not for the Gazans. Possible explanations are discussed related to sex, cultural differences, and life conditions.
Keywords:Happiness   Need for belonging   Self-control   Aggression   Adolescents
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