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The Relationship of Parental Alcoholism and Family Dysfunction to Stress Among College Students
Authors:Mark Kittleson PhD  Roberta Ogletree HSD  Kathleen Welshimer PhD  Paula Woehlke PhD  John Benshoff PhD
Affiliation:1. The American College Health Association , USA;2. The University Health Center , University of Maryland , College Park, Maryland, USA

The relationship between collegiate adult children of alcoholics (ACOAs) and adult children from dysfunctional families (ACDFs) was examined to determine whether ACOAs and ACDFs were at greater risk of stress than non-ACOAs and non-ACDFs. The participants were 549 students from a midwestern university. The data collection instruments were the Children of Alcoholics Screening Test, 6-Item Version (CAST-6); the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales, Version II (FACES-II); and the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). A substantial proportion of the sample was classified as ACOA, ACDF, or both, and there was considerable overlap between the two groups. Both ACOA and ACDF status were found to be significant predictors of stress, with ACDF status being a better predictor than ACOA status. Possible explanations for the results and implications for collegiate wellness programs are discussed.
Keywords:adult children from dysfunctional families  adult children of alcoholics  college students  stress
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