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引用本文:朱玉玲,周其厚. 浅析刑事和解制度在中国的构建[J]. 山东科技大学学报(社会科学版), 2007, 9(1): 28-32
作者姓名:朱玉玲  周其厚
摘    要:在我国司法领域,由实务部门率先尝试刑事和解。它作为刑事案件的一种解决机制,在尊重被害人、赔偿被害人及其近亲属,促使加害人认罪悔罪、改过自新等方面显示出了一定的优势,同时,刑事和解对建设我国社会主义和谐社会具有积极的意义。因此,对这一制度的构建不仅仅是司法实务界正在进行探索的问题,也引起了理论学界的广泛关注与探讨。当然,任何一种制度都具有两面性,刑事和解在显示出积极性的同时,也不可避免地存在着一些问题。

关 键 词:刑事和解  被害人  加害人

A Probe into the Construction of Criminal Reconciliation in China
ZHU Yu-ling,ZHOU Qi-hou. A Probe into the Construction of Criminal Reconciliation in China[J]. Journal of Shandong University of Sciences & Technology(Social Science), 2007, 9(1): 28-32
Authors:ZHU Yu-ling  ZHOU Qi-hou
Abstract:In China's justice field,the executive departments try to carry out the criminal reconciliation in practical cases.As a method of dispute solution,it plays an important role in respecting and compensating victims and their relatives,and in urging defendants to repent and to turn over a new leaf.Meanwhile,it has a positive significance to construct a harmonious society in China.However,just as each coin has two sides,there exist both the positive and negative sides in the criminal reconciliation.Therefore,the construction of the criminal reconciliation should be explored by acedemic insitutions as well as by the executive departments.
Keywords:criminal reconciliation  defendants  victims
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