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引用本文:赵新. 中国“神话”语源的生成——检讨“神话”概念中的日本因素[J]. 吉首大学学报(社会科学版), 2012, 33(4): 166-172. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-4074.2012.04.033
作者单位:(北京大学 哲学系,北京 100871)
摘    要:日本早期的“东方学”研究对原始儒家赖以生存的思想根基,如“圣王传说”进行了初步的颠覆性的研究,此种学术研究为日本明治维新后“脱亚入欧”社会思潮之反映。受此学术意识之影响,中国早期对神话认知成为启迪民智的工具之一,即通过改造或进行古史研究来达成某些政治夙愿。同时中日早期神话学者研究方法也有诸多趋同化的表现:如均遵从文字、音韵、训诂的传统考据法;共同推重欧洲汉学界惯用的历史与语言相结合的传统语文学研究法,而拒斥葛兰言使用的社会学与历史相结合的新方法。上述方法试图借助对材料或知识的梳理从而复原历史真相,是一种旨在追问真相的求真求实的科学主义态度,而此法对于本身以“神圣性或信仰性”为精神特质的神话来说,值得反思。

关 键 词:神话  日本因素  《古史辨》派  疑古辨伪  

Japanese Factor on the Etymology of Myth:Review of “Political Consensus” of the Early Sino-Japanese Scholars of Legends Research
ZHAO Xin. Japanese Factor on the Etymology of Myth:Review of “Political Consensus” of the Early Sino-Japanese Scholars of Legends Research[J]. Journal of Jishou University(Social Science), 2012, 33(4): 166-172. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-4074.2012.04.033
Authors:ZHAO Xin
Affiliation:(Department of Philosophy,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China)
Abstract:The clarification on the concept of myth is a key question in the study of the Chinese myths and legends.The study on the source of the "myth" etymology,which not only be beneficial to concretely show the specific historical context of the early Chinese mythology studies,but also be helpful to review how they borrow ideological resources,how to build their own research methods and academic style and other issues.The generation of the "myth" etymology contains the Sino-Japanese scholars of political consensus and method of resonance.Reflecting on Japanese factor of Chinese myths and legends of modern processes,the pros and cons of academic is worthy to be considered again.
Keywords:myth  Japanese factor  discernment of ancient history  distinguishing the ancient and the fake
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