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引用本文:楚小庆. 中国古代木构架建筑与家具同构性分析[J]. 东南大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2009, 11(3)
摘    要:中国古人展开的一系列造物活动中,最主要的莫过于建筑和家具。不论是建筑还是家具,中国古人都是取木为材,以木架为骨干,竭尽木材、木性之能事,运斤施艺,或构木为巢,或遣木制器,虽异曲却同工,创造了中国古代建筑与家具文化,也展现了中国传统文化的独特魅力。

关 键 词:中国古建筑  设计思想  木构架  家具      同构性

On the structural similarity between wood-frame architecture and furniture in ancient China
CHU Xiao-qing. On the structural similarity between wood-frame architecture and furniture in ancient China[J]. Journal of Southeast University(Philosophy and Social Science ), 2009, 11(3)
Authors:CHU Xiao-qing
Abstract:Building houses and making furniture were the most important activity in material construction for ancient Chinese people.In all the buildings and furniture wood was used as the main structure.Though the objects were various in function and style,they were all the results of perfect craft,representing the unique charm of traditional Chinese culture of architecture and furniture.
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