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引用本文:朱凤岚. 论冷战后日美同盟关系的调整[J]. 国际论坛, 2005, 0(5)
摘    要:日美同盟关系的维持与发展是战后亚太地区国际关系、尤其是美国亚太地区安全战略的基本组成部分,也是战后日本安全防卫的根本保证。随着国际形势的变化,日美同盟关系也在不断更新内涵和调整功能。2001年“9·11”事件后日美同盟关系的重新调整,既是对1951年日美安保条约签署以来历次调整的继续,更是对过去的超越;既是后冷战时期美国全球军事战略重新部署在亚太地区的客观体现,又是日本借机实现国家利益的主观诉求。日美同盟关系的调整不仅为日本的安全防卫和政治外交政策带来了变化,而且还对亚太地区乃至全球的安全战略态势产生着深远影响。

关 键 词:日本外交  日美同盟  调整

Adjustment of Japan-US Alliance in Post Cold War Era
Abstract:The maintenance and development of Japan-US alliance is a basic component of international relations in the Asian Pacific Region, a significant part of American security strategy in this region and a fundamental guarantee for Japan's security and defense. The content and function of this alliance evolve with the changing international situation. After September 11, the adjustment goes beyond all those previous adjustments since 1951. It embodies American military redeployment in the Asian Pacific region and a carefully calculated pursuit of national interest from Japan. The adjustment will have far-reaching influence on Japan's security and diplomacy and the posture of global security strategy.
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