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引用本文:王珂. 论词与曲作为格律诗的辅助诗体的作用[J]. 青岛科技大学学报(社会科学版), 2003, 19(1): 85-91
摘    要:格律诗能够成为汉诗自唐代后经久不衰的主流诗体,既是因为格律诗本身具有其他汉诗诗体没有的优点,也是因为词和曲作为格律诗最重要的辅助诗体,加速了汉诗诗体由定型诗体到非定型诗体的诗体解放进程,促进了汉诗诗体在诗体规范与诗体自由之间的和解,避免了汉诗诗体走上极度律化或极度散文化的极端。从唐代开始,汉诗便形成了以格律诗为主导诗体,词、曲为辅助诗体的定型诗体与准定型诗体并存的诗体多元格局,宋、元、明、清是齐言体的律诗与长短句的词并驾齐驱的时代,也是格律严谨的格律诗与格律松散的曲并存的时代。在形式和内容上,词和曲与格律诗相比,更具灵活性和通俗性,有效地纠正了以格律诗为代表的正统诗歌"高度严肃性"。

关 键 词:汉诗  诗体      格律诗

Discussion on the Function of Ci and Qu as an Auxiliary Poetry Style of Metrical Poem
WANG Ke. Discussion on the Function of Ci and Qu as an Auxiliary Poetry Style of Metrical Poem[J]. Journal of Qingdao University of Science and Technology, 2003, 19(1): 85-91
Authors:WANG Ke
Abstract:In addition to the advantage of metrical poem itself, ci and qu were severed as an auxiliary poetry style of metrical poem was the most important cause for the metrical poem to be the primary poem style of Chinese poem,since after Tang Dynasty, ci and qu accelerated the process of transformation of Chinese poem style,promoted the harmony of Chinese poem, and ensured to the normal development of Chinese poem. ci,qu ,verse and metrical poem were existed side by side in Song Dynasty,Yuan Dynasty,Ming Dynasty,and Ching Dynasty.Compared with its forms and the contents, ci and qu are much more flexible and popular than metrical poem,and effectively corrected the "highly seriousness"of the traditional poem represented by the metrical poem.
Keywords:Chinese poem  poetry style  ci  qu  metical poem
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