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CO2 驱替沥青质原油长岩芯实验及数值模拟
引用本文:黄磊,贾英,全一平,孙雷. CO2 驱替沥青质原油长岩芯实验及数值模拟[J]. 西南石油大学学报(社会科学版), 2015, 34(4): 135-140
作者姓名:黄磊  贾英  全一平  孙雷
作者单位:1. 中国石油勘探开发研究院,北京海淀100083;2. 中国石化石油勘探开发研究院,北京海淀100083;3. 中国海洋石油国际有限公司,北京海淀100083;4. 西南石油大学石油工程学院四川成都610500
摘    要:针对CO2 驱油过程中出现的沥青质固相沉积现象,综合考虑注气过程中沥青质在多孔介质中的沉积、吸附及堵塞效应,建立了CO2 驱替含沥青质原油多相多组分渗流模型。以长岩芯实验为基础,拟合实验数据表明使用本文建立的模型计算的采收率与实验值更接近。同时对CO2 气驱过程中沥青质沉积规律进行了探讨,模拟研究表明,注入CO2 过程中,沥青质沉积首先发生在注入端;沥青质吸附也首先发生在注入端,但随着注入气量的增加,存在解吸附过程;沥青质沉积前缘与注气前缘一致,说明注入CO2 是导致原油中的沥青质沉积的主要原因。

关 键 词:沥青质   注CO2   沉积规律   数值模拟

The Long Core Experiment and Numerical Simulation Research onAsphaltic Oil with CO2 Flooding
Huang Lei,Jia Ying,Quan Yiping,Sun Lei. The Long Core Experiment and Numerical Simulation Research onAsphaltic Oil with CO2 Flooding[J]. Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Social Sciences Edition), 2015, 34(4): 135-140
Authors:Huang Lei  Jia Ying  Quan Yiping  Sun Lei
Affiliation:1. Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development,PetroChina,Haidian,Beijing 100083,China2. Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development,SINOPEC,Haidian,Beijing 100083,China3. China’s offshore Oil International Co.,Ltd,Haidian,Beijing 100083,China4. School of Petroleum Engineering,Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu,Sichuan 610500,China
Abstract:Gas injection especially carbon dioxide injection may cause asphaltene deposit. In this paper,in order to analyze thedeposition trend and the influence of deposition on oil recovery,the multiphase multicomponent numerical model consideringasphaltene deposition,adsorption and plugging is established. Then,based on long core flooding experiment,the fitting dataindicate that the oil recovery calculated by this numerical model is closer to experiment results than that by regular model.Finally,the asphaltene deposition tendency during CO2 flooding is discussed,which indicate that higher accumulation ofdeposited asphaltene is shown primarily at the injection part of the core. Meanwhile,adsorbed asphaltene,also accumulatedat the inlet side of the core,is desorbed gradually with the gas injection. asphaltene deposition front accord with injected gasfront,which indicates that injected carbon dioxide is the main reason for asphaltene deposition.
Keywords:asphaltene   carbon dioxide injection   depositionrule   numerical simulation
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