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引用本文:[美国]何罗娜/著,汤 芸/译,彭文斌/校. 比较历史学视野中的《百苗图》[J]. 民族学刊, 2010, 1(2): 67-73,162-163. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-9391.2010.02.008
作者姓名:[美国]何罗娜/著  汤 芸/译  彭文斌/校
作者单位:1. 美国伊利诺伊州立大学历史系
2. 西南民族大学西南民族研究院,四川成都,610041
摘    要:清朝所绘制的《百苗图》是近代中国早期的民族志。将《百苗图》与日本及奥斯曼帝国所绘制的图绘进行对比,以一个比较历史学的视角来看待这些处于扩张时期的几个帝国,从而指出对他者的民族志兴趣并非欧洲所独有,而是普遍地存在于全世界的帝国体系之中。

关 键 词:《百苗图》  族群分类  民族志  比较历史学  阿伊努图绘  奥斯曼帝国

Early Modern Ethnography in Comparative Historical Perspective
Laura Hostetler,Tang Yun and Peng Wenbin. Early Modern Ethnography in Comparative Historical Perspective[J]. JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGY, 2010, 1(2): 67-73,162-163. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-9391.2010.02.008
Authors:Laura Hostetler  Tang Yun  Peng Wenbin
Affiliation:Laura Hostetler(Department of History,University State of Illinois,Illinois,America)(Translated by TANG Yun,Southwest University for Nationalities,Chengdu,Sichuan,610041,China,Proofread by PENG Wenbin,Institute of Asian Research,The University of British Columbia 1855 West Mall Vancouver,B.C.Canada)
Abstract:The Miao Albums produced in the Qing Empire is early modern Chinese ethnography.By contrasting the albums produced by Japanese and Ottoman with The Miao Albums,the author,from the point of comparative historical perspective,compares and analyzes these empires in expanding era,and argues that ethnographic depiction was not solely the province of the early modern West,and that cultural difference and its management has long been a preoccupation of the state world-wide.
Keywords:Miao Album  ethnic classification  ethnography  comparative history  Ainu-e  the Ottoman Empire  
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