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引用本文:张二力. 从"五普"地市数据看生育政策对出生性别比和婴幼儿死亡率性别比的影响[J]. 人口研究, 2005, 29(1): 11-18
摘    要:以"五普"数据为基础,分析全国"地市"的出生性别比、婴儿死亡率性别比与生育政策的关系.本文的分析表明实行"第1个孩子为女孩,间隔几年允许生第2个孩子"生育政策的人口比例越高的地区,出生性别比和婴儿死亡性别比失常越严重;实行较为宽松生育政策的地区比较接近正常.实行较为宽松的生育政策有利于解决目前出生性别比严重失常和女婴死亡严重偏高的问题.

关 键 词:生育政策  出生性别比  婴幼儿死亡率

Impact of Fertility Policies on Sex Ratios at Birth and Sex Ratios of Infant Mortality: An Investigation at Prefecture and City Level Using Data from the 2000 Census of China
Zhang Erli is the former director of Division of Planning and Statistics,State Family Planning Commission of China.. Impact of Fertility Policies on Sex Ratios at Birth and Sex Ratios of Infant Mortality: An Investigation at Prefecture and City Level Using Data from the 2000 Census of China[J]. Population Research, 2005, 29(1): 11-18
Authors:Zhang Erli is the former director of Division of Planning  Statistics  State Family Planning Commission of China.
Abstract:Using 2000 census data, this paper investigates the relationship between fertility policies and sex ratios at birth and sex ratios at infant death. More marked abnormal sex ratios at birth and at infant death have been observed in places where "a first girl child plus some spacing to have a second child" is practiced, while the sex ratios approach normal in areas having rather loose fertility policies. The implication is that loosened fertility policy helps solve the problem of abnormal sex ratios at birth and at infant death.
Keywords:Fertility policy   Sex ratio at birth   Infant mortality.
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