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An evaluation of a groupwork intervention for teenage mothers and their families
Authors:Lynn McDonald,Tammy Conrad&dagger  ,Anna Fairtlough&Dagger  ,Joan Fletcher&Dagger  ,Liz Green&Dagger  ,Liz Moore§  , Betty Lepps¶  
Affiliation:Reader in Social Work, School of Health Sciences and Social Care, Brunel University, London, UK,;MS, service user, Madison, WI, USA,;Lecturer, Goldsmiths College, Social Work, UK,;Family Service, Sarnia, and;FAST Training Director, Family Service Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Abstract:This paper describes the implementation of a specific, community‐based, multi‐family group (MFG) intervention strategy (Families and Schools Together [FAST] babies) aimed at improving the outcomes for infants of teenage mothers in 11 Canadian communities. The aims of this social work group intervention were (1) to engage the teenage mothers into a socially inclusive experience that might challenge the social disapproval they often experience, (2) to enhance the mother–infant bond, while increasing feelings of parental efficacy, and (3) to enhance the social context of the teenage mother by reducing stress, social isolation and intergenerational family conflict. Groups were co‐led by teams of service users (a young mother, a grandmother of the baby of a teenage mother and a father of the baby of a teenage mother) collaborating with multi‐agency professionals (health visitors and social workers). Teams that reflected the ethnic diversity of the participating family members were trained to facilitate eight weekly group meetings. They showed respect for the young women's ‘voice’, and supported her ‘choice’ to prioritize motherhood as her defining identity. The meetings comprised a range of activities, including crafts and singing, discussion of ‘conflict scenarios’ in cross‐familial, cross‐generational groups, infant massage delivered to babies by the young mothers, grandmother support groups, and a shared community meal. Where necessary, teams made referrals for specialist help. One hundred twenty‐eight young mothers came once to 17 groups, and 90% graduated having attended a minimum of six sessions. Evaluation data from mothers and grandmothers showed positive change when comparing pre and post, based on standardized questionnaires. One‐tailed, paired t‐tests showed statistically significant increases in parental self‐efficacy for the teenage mothers, improved parent–child bonds, reductions in stress and family conflict, and increases in social support. Given that rates of teenage pregnancy in the UK are among the highest in Europe, this paper concludes with a discussion of the feasibility and possible merits of introducing FAST babies to England.
Keywords:child abuse prevention    evidence-based social work    low income    multi-family groups    single mothers    social exclusion    vulnerable families
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