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引用本文:刘晓燕. 诸子百家的社会和谐主张[J]. 宝鸡文理学院学报(社会科学版), 2006, 26(5): 49-56
摘    要:变社会动乱为天下和谐,贯穿着春秋战国百家争鸣的始末。孔子不忍礼崩乐坏,总结夏商西周的兴亡经验,主张克已复礼以德治国。孟子沿着孔子的思路扩展,形成了仁政说和养气说,使德治思想得以全面发挥。儒家是从统治者的历史经验升华起来的学说,有待新的时代的检验,其实践遇到挫折,便遭到怀疑。受到忙于耕种织、难于温饱的劳动阶层的怀疑,儒学便成了“繁饰礼乐”、“倍本弃事”的伪君子,产生了墨家的兼爱思想;受到了因战乱沦落而心灰意冷的知识阶层的怀疑,孔子便成了奚落嘲笑的丑角,产生了老、庄道家深邃的关于自然和社会规律的思考;受到急功近利欲王欲霸诸侯们的怀疑,孔孟王道政治便皆不见用,产生了商韩激进的法治实践。儒、墨、道法的学说,实质上是以德、以爱、以道、以法治国四种社会和谐主张,其优劣互见,长短互补。战国末年,荀子识力超拔,在批判各家学说的基础上,形成了适合社会需要的带有总结百家之学意义的社会和谐思想。

关 键 词:百家争鸣  以德治国  以爱治国  以道治国  以法治国  礼法并重  社会和谐

The social harmonious thought of hundred schools of thought
LIU Xiao-yan. The social harmonious thought of hundred schools of thought[J]. Journal of Baoji College of Arts and Science(Social Science Edition), 2006, 26(5): 49-56
Authors:LIU Xiao-yan
Abstract:The world has changed over from social unrest to a harmonious society,it runs through the whole Spring and Autumn and Warring States period of hundred schools of thought contend.Confucius was unable to endure the collapse of Li and the destruction of Yue.He concluded the experience of the rise and fall of Xia,Shang and the Western Zhou Dynasty.He advocated stoicism complex ceremony,the management of the country with moral.Mencius expanded his thinking along ideas of Confocius.He formed the theories of benevolent and cultivate Qi.He enable the theory of benevolent to obtain the comprehensive display.The Confucianism is a distillation of theory from the ruler's historical experience,it waits for the examination of a new era.The practice encountered setbacks,then it was suspected.Confucianism was suspected by the working class who were busy farming,spinning and weaving,they didn't have enough food to eat and clothes to wear,it became a hypocrity that it has decorated tediously by Li and Yue,and has violated the fundamental.This caused to have the Mohist school universal love thought;it was suspected by knowledge class who was driven to despair and reduced to poverty because of war,Confucius then became the clown were ridiculed and jeerd.This caused to produce Laozi's and?Zhuangzi's recondite and profound thinking,and form the Taoism;it encountered the suspect,Confucius and Mencius travelled around all the dukedoms,all not to be entrusted with heavy responsibility.This has resulted in Shang Yang's and Hanfeizi's radical legal practice.Essentially,Confucianism,Mohism,Taoism and Legalism were used to govern the country with moral,love,Dao and Fa as four kinds of social harmonious proposal,their merits and shortcomings appeared mutually and strong points complemented weak points.In the late of Warring States Period,Xunzi's ability,knowledge and experiences were outstanding and remarkable.Xunzi criticized various theories.Again in this foundation,he formed social harmonious ideal which were suitable for the needs of the society and summarized the thoughts of a hundred schools.
Keywords:hundreds schools of thought contend  govern country with Love  govern country with Dao  govern country with Legalism  social harmonious  
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