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引用本文:赖红卫. 隋文帝性格研究[J]. 渝西学院学报(社会科学版), 2002, 21(2): 31-36
作者单位:山东法律学校 济南,250000
摘    要:
此篇论文运用历史唯物主义的理论和研究方法 ,并借助现代心理学的一些理论 ,来研究隋文帝杨坚的性格 ,通过对隋文帝日常言行的分析 ,以其性格的矛盾性为基础 ,从不同层次、不同角度剖析了他的性格特征。从性格类型来看 ,隋文帝既有内向型又有外向型的倾向 ,而以内向型性格类型占优势 ;从政治、宗教感情来看 ,他的宗教人格与政治人格矛盾地并存于一身 ,宗教人格并不妨碍政治人格的实现 ;从个人感情世界来看 ,他既有冷酷绝情的一面 ,又有对父母的挚爱和对其妻温情的一面 ;从经济角度看 ,节俭与贪吝的性格并存 ;从用人为政方面看 ,统治前期知人善任 ,后期多疑善猜 ,终受蒙蔽 ;从统治手段来看 ,血腥残忍的性格表现得尤为充分 ,但也偶发仁恻之心。隋文帝的矛盾性格使他在治国施政中表现出独特的风格 ,他的性格特征渗透到他的政治活动中 ,在一定程度上对当时社会产生了影响。

关 键 词:隋文帝  性格  研究

On Sui Wendi''''s Character
LAI Hong-wei. On Sui Wendi''''s Character[J]. , 2002, 21(2): 31-36
Authors:LAI Hong-wei
This article studied Suiwendi Yang Jian's character and analyzed his characteristic using the method of historical materialism and some modern psychological theories. The article discussed characteristic from different series and aspects through his everyday words and deeds .he had both the inner and outer tendency from his character's classification. From his felling to politics and religion, his religious and political character existed at the same time. Seeing his feeling world, we found both the hard heart and the real love to his parents and his wife. From the aspect of economic saving and stinginess existed at the same time. When he ruled the country, he ruled with iron hand,but sympathy some time. His character took on a special look and influenced the society.
Keywords:Sui Wendi  character  study
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