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Lorenz non-consistent welfare and inequality measurement
Authors:Alain Chateauneuf and Patrick Moyes
Affiliation:(1) CERMSEM, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 106-112 Boulevard de l"rsquo"Hôpital, 75647 Paris, France;(2) CNRS, IDEP and GRAPE, Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV, Avenue Léon Duguit, 33608 Pessac, France
Typical welfare and inequality measures are required to be Lorenz consistent which guarantees that inequality decreases and welfare increases as a result of a progressive transfer. We explore the implications for welfare and inequality measurement of substituting the weaker absolute differentials and deprivation quasi-orderings for the Lorenz quasi-ordering. Restricting attention to distributions of equal means, we show that the utilitarian model - the so-called expected utility model in the theory of risk - does not permit one to make a distinction between the views embedded in the differentials, deprivation and Lorenz quasi-orderings. In contrast it is possible within the dual model of M. Yaari (Econometrica55 (1987), 99–115) to derive the restrictions to be placed on the weighting function which guarantee that the corresponding welfare orderings are consistent with the differentials and deprivation quasi-orderings respectively. Finally we drop the equal mean condition and indicate the implications of our approach for the absolute ethical inequality indices.
Keywords:deprivation  dual model of choice under risk  expected utility  generalized Gini social welfare functions  income differentials  Lorenz dominance
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