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Improving the Efficiency of the Nelson–Aalen Estimator: the Naive Local Constant Estimator
Affiliation:Department of Econometrics, University of Barcelona; Festina Lente and University of Copenhagen; Department of Econometrics, University of Barcelona
Abstract.  The Nelson–Aalen estimator is well known to be an asymptotically efficient estimator of the cumulative hazard function, see Andersen et al. ( Statistical models based on counting processes , Springer-Verlag, New York, 1993) among many others. In this paper, we show that the efficiency of the Nelson–Aalen estimator can be considerably improved by using more information in the estimation process than the traditional Nelson–Aalen estimator uses. While our approach results in a biased estimator, the variance improvement is substantial. By optimizing the balance between the bias loss and the variance improvement, we obtain results on the efficiency gain. Several examples for known failure time distributions are used to illustrate these ideas.
Keywords:cumulative hazard function    efficiency    Nelson–Aalen estimator    survival analysis
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