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引用本文:魏海青. 中国转型期共产党执政合法性研究[J]. 南都学坛, 2006, 26(1): 121-124
摘    要:合法性是现代政治生活的核心问题,它维系着一个政治体系的存续和发展。合法性作为现代政治分析的基本框架,已成为人们的共识。中国现在正处于转型期,经济、政治、文化、社会面临着深刻的社会变革,腐败问题、阶层分化与利益主体多样化及“三农问题”、价值多元化严重腐蚀合法性。在新的形势下,强化主流意识形态的权威性、构建利益协调机制、完善政治参与制度、健全法制是维护和强化执政合法性的有效措施。研究转型期的合法性问题,追溯、考察与分析问题背后的原因,对合法性中的潜在威胁适时予以警惕与消解,增强风险意识、忧患意识、预警意识,多层面多视角把合法性的潜在威胁消弭于萌芽状态,可以为党的执政提供一个宽松的和谐的生态环境。

关 键 词:转型期  合法性  民主政治

The Research on Legitimacy of CPC in Holding Power at the Period of Social Transformatrion
WEI Hai-qing. The Research on Legitimacy of CPC in Holding Power at the Period of Social Transformatrion[J]. Academic forum of nandu, 2006, 26(1): 121-124
Authors:WEI Hai-qing
Abstract:Legitimacy is the core of the subject in modern political life. Legitimacy plays an important role in keeping the stability and development of the political system. People has took the Legitimacy as the most important symbol of analysing modern political life. Economy, politics, culture and society are confronted with profound social reform and changes at the period of transition. The essay makes a comprehensive study on the token and challenges of political legitimacy from a many-sided perspectives and proposes a constructive solution to the problem. Most of all, the essay mainly provides a beneficial study pattern for the development of democratic government in China.
Keywords:at the period of social transformation  legitimacy  democratic govern
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