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引用本文:丹尼尔·W·凡奈思,王莉,温景雄. 全球视野下的恢复性司法[J]. 南京大学学报(哲学.人文科学.社会科学 ), 2005, 42(4)
作者姓名:丹尼尔·W·凡奈思  王莉  温景雄
作者单位:1. 恢复性司法国际研究中心,美国华盛顿17434
2. 南京大学法学院
3. 香港监狱团契事工部
摘    要:在全球视野下,恢复性司法的实践主要有三种形式:和解、协商和圆形会谈;另外还有两种由犯罪人提供的弥补方式:恢复性补偿和社区劳动。与刑事司法程序重点关注剥夺犯罪人权利、恢复已经遭到破坏的法益以及惩罚犯罪、防止再犯不同,恢复性司法重点考虑对被害人的补偿、被害人与犯罪人之间关系的修复以及补救由犯罪造成的其他损害。正因为恢复性司法能够更好地平衡各方利益,并能够在解决法院积案和监狱人满为患的困境、促进司法活动的透明公开、减少再犯等方面起到积极作用,世界上越来越多的国家已接受并采用恢复性司法来处理犯罪问题。

关 键 词:恢复性司法  被害人  犯罪人  刑事司法程序

Restorative Justice in a Global Perspective
Daniel W. Van Ness. Restorative Justice in a Global Perspective[J]. Journal of Nanjing University(Philosophy, Humanities and Social Sciences), 2005, 42(4)
Authors:Daniel W. Van Ness
Abstract:Viewed from a global perspective, the practice of restorative justice includes three programs: victim offender mediation, conferencing, and circles. Besides these, there are two amends provided by offenders: restitution and community service. Restorative justice is different from criminal justice, which focuses on retribution, deterrence and incapacitation. The focus of restorative justice is on reparation to the victim, on reintegration of the victim and offender, and on the victim as the person who was most directly harmed by the offence. Because of such advantages as easing overcrowding in prisons, increasing access to justice and transparency, and reducing crime, restorative justice is being adopted by more and more countries.
Keywords:restorative justice  victim  offender  criminal justice system  
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