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引用本文:刘小兵,周丙华. “正始“与“正始之音”含义初探——从陆游《老学庵笔记》中的两段文字谈起[J]. 东方论坛, 2008, 0(4): 67-70
作者姓名:刘小兵  周丙华
作者单位:1. 南京大学,中文系,江苏,南京,210093
2. 南京,大学,历史系,江苏,南京,210093
摘    要:“正始之音”一词含义甚丰、用法多样,其本义、引申义和比喻义皆不止一端,与之相关的“正始”一词亦如是。“正始之音”可以用来表达“魏晋清谈”以外的其它含义,尽管陆游与王应麟曾对此提出过质疑,但却无法改变“正始之音”一词多义的历史现象。鉴于古今学者对“正始之音”一词的诸多误释或误读,有必要重新探其渊源、考其流变。

关 键 词:正始  正始之音  魏晋清谈  雅正诗乐

A Tentative Probe into the Meaning of Zhengshi and the Voice of Zhengshi
LIU Xiao-bing,ZHOU Bing-hua. A Tentative Probe into the Meaning of Zhengshi and the Voice of Zhengshi[J]. Orient Forum, 2008, 0(4): 67-70
Authors:LIU Xiao-bing  ZHOU Bing-hua
Affiliation:LIU Xiao-bing ZHOU Bing-hua (Chinese Dept,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093,China)
Abstract:The content of the Voice of Zhengshi is very rich and various,with more than one connotation and figurative meaning.And so is the term Zhengshi.The ambiguity contained in these two phrases is irremovable.In view of the wrong interpretations and misreading of the voice of Zhengshi,it is necessary to probe into its origin and development.
Keywords:zhengshi  the voice of Zhengshi  talk in Wei and Jin dynasties  
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