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引用本文:唐代兴. 当代灾疫防治应该共同遵守的普适道德原则[J]. 阴山学刊, 2011, 0(1): 5-14
摘    要:以自由原理为导向,当代灾疫防治必须遵循权利为核心、以利益补偿为方向的普适道德原则体系的规范。在这一道德规范体系中,惟生命原则是其奠基原则,它为灾疫防治提供了价值导向系统;普遍平等原则是其前提原则,它为灾疫防治构建起多元开放的社会平台;全面公正原则是其行动原则,它为灾疫防治提供了行动规则体系;而惟生命安全和惟生存健康原则...

关 键 词:灾疫伦理  普适  惟生命原则  普遍平等原则  全面公正原则  生命安全原则  生存健康原则

On the Contemporary Universal Ethical Principles in Preventing and Controlling Calamity & Pestilence
TANG Dai-xing. On the Contemporary Universal Ethical Principles in Preventing and Controlling Calamity & Pestilence[J]. Yin Shan Academic Journal, 2011, 0(1): 5-14
Authors:TANG Dai-xing
Affiliation:TANG Dai-xing(Faculty of Arts,Sichuan Normal University,Chengdu 610068)
Abstract:Oriented by the principle of freedom,the prevention and controlling of calamity & pestilence should follow the universal ethical principles namely taking the rights as the core and benefit compensation as the direction.In this moral system,the liflism principle is the foundation principle which provides the leading system of value;the principle of universal equality is the prerequisite principle and it built up an open and pluralistic social platform for the prevention and controlling of calamity & pestilen...
Keywords:Calamity & Pestilence Ethics  Universal principle  Principle of universal equality  Comprehensive fair principle  Life safety principle  Healthy living principle  
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