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作者姓名:王子敏  黄卫东
作者单位:南京邮电大学 经济学院;南京邮电大学 社会科学处
基金项目:江苏省经信委重大招标项目“信息消费带动产业发展和拉动经济增长研究”(TJS213002); 江苏省高校哲学社会科学重点研究基地重大招标课题“物联网产业技术路线与商业模式演进研究”(2010JDXM034); 江苏省社会科学基金“江苏物联网产业发展路径及产业链培育问题研究”(10GLB004); 南京邮电大学教育科学十二五规划课题“高等学校学科建设与江苏产业结构调整关系的研究——基于信息消费产业大发展的视角”(GJS-XKT1205)
摘    要:在国家大力推动下,信息消费逐步成为拉动经济的着力点。基于江苏城乡信息消费现状,从理论上分析了城乡间信息消费的相互关系,并建立VAR模型对江苏城乡信息消费关系进行了定量分析,发现滞后一期的江苏城镇居民的信息消费对于城镇和农村居民的信息消费均有着显著影响,而且这种影响是单向的。提升江苏城乡居民信息消费水平,应该加强城市对农村的信息消费引领,并打通城乡信息消费交流渠道。

关 键 词:信息消费  城乡关系    实证研究

Empirical study on the relationship of urban and rural information consumption in Jiangsu Province
Abstract:Information consumption is undertaking a fundamental role in Chinese economic development in the background of national promotion. Based on the research of the current information consumption in Jiangsu Province, we analyzed the theoretical relationship of urban and rural information consumption, and calculated the numerical relationship by VAR model. The first lag of urban information consumption was found to have a significant impact on current information consumption both in urban and rural areas. Finally, some suggestions are provided for policy making from the prospective of promoting the leading role of urban information consumption and improving urban rural information consumption communication.
Keywords:information consumption  urban and rural relationship  empirical study
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