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引用本文:李鸿彩. 《论语》对现代企业家的启示[J]. 学术交流, 2003, 0(1): 85-88
摘    要:《论语》曾对中外一些大企业家产生重要影响 ,作为现代企业在吸取西方现代管理科学的同时 ,还应从传统思想 ,特别是集中了孔子思想主要内容的《论语》里寻找源泉。《论语》中“学而优”、“己身正”、“人为本”、“施仁德”、“义利兼”、“重诚信”、“和为贵”等思想可以给现代企业家以启示 ,是企业经营中的法宝。

关 键 词:《论语》  企业家  经营

The Enlightenment from the Analects of Confucius to the Management of Modern Enterprises
LI Hong-cai. The Enlightenment from the Analects of Confucius to the Management of Modern Enterprises[J]. Academic Exchange, 2003, 0(1): 85-88
Authors:LI Hong-cai
Abstract:The Analects of Confucius has made a great impact on some famous enterprisers home and abroad; modern enterprise should assimilate the traditional thoughts, especially from The Analects of Confucius representing the main doctrine of Confucius, while studying modern western management system. "Best working performance originated from constant pursuit for knowledge","set a good example with one's own conduct","Human resources is an invaluable asset","care with mercy","Let getting profit be tempered with ethic","stress honor and credit", "operation in perfect harmony", etc.--these ideas are great inspirations to modern enterprises and magic formulas for their management.
Keywords:The Analects of Confucius   enterpriser   management  
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