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引用本文:唐根年. 多方法分类评价分歧意见的协调与集成数值分类评价模型的构建和应用[J]. 统计研究, 2003, 20(7): 46-3
摘    要:一、问题的提出———多方法分类评价分歧意见的存在  为了便于研究错综复杂个体之间的内在联系和规律性 ,人们往往对个体样本进行分门别类 ,把性质相近、或者相似的个体归为一类。为此 ,长期以来 ,众多学者致力于数值分类技术方法研究和应用。 195 7年伦敦国立医学研究院的Sneath( 195 7a、b)关于细菌分类和坦萨斯大学的Michener和Sokal( 195 7,195 8)关于蜂类分类的应用性研究揭开了现代数值分类学的序幕 ,195 8年牛律大学的Cain和Harrison提出了基于平均性状差异的分类方法 ,196O年纽约植物园的Rogers和Tanimoto(谷本 )应用结合系…

关 键 词:分歧意见  协调  集成分类评价模型  分类效果  

A study on the Harmonization for divaricating opinions of multi-methods and the integration model of numerical classifications and its application
Abstract:The application value of mathematics classification methods would be decreased because of the different result from those different classification methods been cholice. Some mathematics classification methods which were common used had been selected, such as Multivariate Weight Method、 Cluster Analy sis、Primary Component Analysis、 Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluate Method and Discriminate analysis be tween multiple groups and a integration model of mathematics classification which based on the Bayes role had been pointed out in this paper. The problem of the divergence samples attributed would be resolved by using the integration model of mathematics classification and the applied efficiency had been compared which between the different classification methods and integration model, The result by using integration had showed much more reasonable than that by using single classification method above.
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