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引用本文:马忠文. 黄遵宪与张荫桓关系述论[J]. 学术研究, 2002, 0(9): 92-97
作者单位:中国社会科学杂志社编辑,北京 100720
摘    要:在以往的研究中黄遵宪与张荫桓政治交谊并未得到足够的重视。他们均曾持节出洋 ,谙熟西学 ,在维新运动中积极倡导变法 ,有过十分密切的政治合作。戊戌年春张荫桓向光绪皇帝推荐《日本国志》 ,举荐黄遵宪 ,对政局产生了重要影响。

关 键 词:黄遵宪  张荫桓  戊戌维新  晚清政局

On the Relation between Huang Zunxian and Zhang Yinhuan
Ma Zhongwen. On the Relation between Huang Zunxian and Zhang Yinhuan[J]. Academic Research, 2002, 0(9): 92-97
Authors:Ma Zhongwen
Affiliation:Ma Zhongwen
Abstract:The fact that Huang Zunxian and Zhang Yinhuan were closely connected in their political activities has long been overlooked by researchers.Both were sent as diplomatic envoys to other countries,were familiar with the Western learning,and were active advocators for political reforms.Zhang exerted great influence on the 1898's political situations of the Qing Empire by recommending Huang Zunxian and The History of Japan to Emperor Guangxu
Keywords:Huang Zunxian  Zhang Yinhuan  the 1898's Reform Movement  the political situations of the late Qing dynasty
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