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作者姓名:陈江龙  曲福田  陈雯
作者单位:南京农业大学中国土地问题研究中心,南京农业大学中国土地问题研究中心,中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所 中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所
摘    要:根据效率原则配置土地资源是实现土地资源可持续利用的重要手段。本文从比较优势的角度在理论上分析了土地资源空间效率配置与土地可持续利用的关系。通过计算省级区域建设用地和耕地产出效益,结果表明,我国的土地利用效益存在明显的区域梯度差距;在产出效益的基础上计算土地利用的比较优势,结果表明我国东部和西部地区在建设用地方面具有比较优势,而大部分中部地区则在农地利用方面具有比较优势。文章应用C-D生产函数测算了我国不同区域1989~2001年农地非农化对区域经济增长的贡献率,结果表明:东部地区农地非农化对经济增长的贡献率分别是中部地区的1.24倍,西部地区的1.39倍。文章据此对我国当前的土地利用政策进行了反思,认为当前耕地保护政策中的“耕地总量动态平衡”以及土地利用规划控制指标的分解方法没有考虑到区域的经济发展水平和自然资源禀赋,没有发挥土地利用的空间比较优势原则,并提出了基于空间效率差异的土地利用政策调整的思路。

关 键 词:农地非农化  比较优势  C-D生产函数  空间效率  土地利用政策

The Dissimilarity in Space of the Non-agricultural Efficiency of Farmland,and its Inspiration to the Policy Adjustment of Use of Land
Abstract:The allocation of land resource in accordance with the principle of efficiency is an important means to actualize the sustainable use of land resource. This paper , in theory and from the respect of comparative advantage,analyses the relations between the allocation in space of land resource and the sustainable use of land.The outcome of calculation of the output yield efficiency of land used for construction and farmland in provincial regions indicates that there exist clearly gradient gaps in the usage efficiency of China's land; the result of calculation, on the basis of output efficiency, of the comparative advantage of use of land shows that, in land used for construction, there are comparative advantages in regions in East and West China, while in land used for farming, there are comparative advantages in most of Central China. In this article, by application of C-D production function, we have measured the rate of contribution to regional economic growth, of farmland used for non-farming in China's various regions in 1989 to 2001, and found that this contribution rate in eastern regions is 1.24 times of that in central regions, and 1.39 times of that in western regions.We thereby have reviewed and reflected on China's present policy for use of land, and think that,in"maintaining dynamic equilibrium in total amount of land" in the present policy of farmland protection and in the adoption of the method of breaking down the targets for controlled use of land, the government has not given thought to the regional economic growth level and natural endowment, nor has it followed the principle of comparative advantage in space of land use; and thus we have expressed out our thought, based on the difference in space efficiency, on policy adjustment of use of land.
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