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摘    要:明初贵州宣慰使奢香是中华民族杰出的女政治家。她出生于四川永宁宣抚使门第,与贵州宣慰使水西安氏世代姻亲,她从出嫁水西,佐夫理政,代夫袭职,教子成名直至英年逝世。在她短暂的三十多年的人生道路上,对维护祖国的统一和民族的团结,对开设驿道发展民族经济,对其后的贵州地区建省奠定了有利的基础,对水西地区的政治经济文化作出了积极的贡献。奢香是出身川南彝中的大姓,彝名“扯勒”是川南彝族中的统治家族。奢香属于扯勒家族的后裔,家氏至今仍分布在赤水河两岸的川黔境内。这里的历史文化底蕴深厚,近些年来在赤水河两岸的叙永、古蔺、毕节、大方、黔西、金沙、仁怀、赤水、习水等县境内也发现不少历史文化遗存。

关 键 词:奢香功绩  扯勒史源  阿哲史源  彝族文献  水西碑刻

A Study on Madam Shexiang as Governor of the A-zhe Yi People and the Yi Culture of Shuixi Area
WANG Ziyao.A Study on Madam Shexiang as Governor of the A-zhe Yi People and the Yi Culture of Shuixi Area[J].Journal of Guizhou University for Nationalities,2009(5):40-47.
Authors:WANG Ziyao
Abstract:Shexiang was a great woman politician in early Ming Dynasty. Born in Sichuan, she was married to the governor of Shuxi area in Guizhou. During her 3 decades of lifetime she helped her husband with leadership, succeeded his leadership after his death and made her son a famous man. She contributed a lot to national unity, local economic development and the formation of historical heritage. It is found that her activity areas include a number of counties of the Chishui River Drain.
Keywords:Feats of Madam Shexiang  historical sources of Chi - le  historical sources of A - zhe  documents ofthe Yi people  epigraph engraving of Shuixi area
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