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摘    要:萧梁皇族本出自寒门,不以文化显名.齐、梁之间,随着梁武帝一支的兴起,在当时士族社会尚文风气的影响下,其家族重视学术文化的积累,在儒家经学典籍、史学、玄学等领域多有著述.在文学艺术领域,如诗文创作、书法、绘画等方面,梁武帝及其子孙也身体力行,造就了其家族文化的繁荣局面.不仅如此,梁武帝父子还大力倡导重文政策,对当时取仕选举产生深刻的影响,促进了当时士风的变化.萧梁皇族子孙后来多有人流落北周、北齐和隋、唐,推动了南北文化的融合.

关 键 词:萧梁  文化  学术  文学  艺术  萧梁皇族  学术文化  Dynasty  Liang  Family  文化的融合  北周  变化  士风  选举  政策  父子  繁荣  家族文化  体力  绘画  书法  诗文创作  艺术领域  文学

On the Culture of the Royal Family in the Liang Dynasty
WANG Yong-ping.On the Culture of the Royal Family in the Liang Dynasty[J].Journal Of Jiangsu University:Social Science Edition,2007,9(3):29-37.
Authors:WANG Yong-ping
Abstract:The royal family of the Liang Dynasty was originally poor, not famous for its culture. But with the rise of Emperor Wudi (Hsiao Yen) of the Liang Dynasty, the royal family began to value the accumulation of culture, and wrote a lot of books in the Confucian classics, history, metaphysics, etc. under the influence of the then milieu that favored literature. In the field of literature and art, such as poetry, calligraphy and painting, Emperor Wudi and his offspring practiced what their preached and prompted the prosperity of the royal family culture. In addition, they carried out a policy that favored literature and in turn deeply affected the selection of the government officials, thus resulting in the change of the scholar-bureaucrats lifestyle. Later, some of their offspring outlived the Liang Dynasty, became citizens in Northern Zhou, Northern Qi, Sui, and Tang Dynasties and furthered the integration of the Southern and Northern cultures.
Keywords:Liang Dynasty  culture  academia  literature  art  
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