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摘    要:根据对东北某农业县进行为期半年的调查研究,发现"以县为主"的义务教育管理体制实施中存在诸多问题,"以县为主"的独角戏难唱,辍学率居高不下;人事制度改革难以推行;各种资金错位:杂费挪用、税费改革又使"以县为主"的投入保障问题雪上加霜.这些问题的深层次原因:国家政策的异化--具有"地方特色"的"以县为主"的教育管理体制,是中央和地方政府博弈的结果;国家的管制政策、"学而优则仕"的官本位价值取向是财政供养人口庞大的制度和文化根源;"分税制"财政体制,以及不合理的义务教育成本分担格局,使脆弱的县财政重负难堪,是各种违章操作的诱因.

关 键 词:"以县为主"  农村义务教育  管理体制  个案调查

A Case Research on the Operation of "County-Level" Administration Mechanism for Compulsory Education in Rural Areas
Abstract:According to the six-month research in an agricultural county of the northeast, we find that there are many problems during the implementation of "county-level" administration mechanism for compulsory education in rural areas-- "county-level" can't be brought into effect separately; dropout rate keeps high; personnel reform is hard to carry into execution; some kinds of funds are illegal; incidental expenses are embezzled. The key reasons of these problems are as follows: The dissimilation of national "county-level" policy is locally characterized; National enforcement policy and the tropism of "official-based" is the institutional and cultural root of the existence of redundant personnel supported by financing; Share-taxation and the unreasonable burden structure of compulsory education cost strikes the county under great pressure. That's the inducement of peccancy. Hereby, this article proposes some suggestion on the administration mechanism for compulsory education in rural areas.
Keywords:county-level"  compulsory education in rural areas  administration mechanism  
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