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摘    要:九世班禅由于西藏一段外侮内残的历史 ,在内地飘泊达 1 4年之久 ,一直为加强藏汉民族的团结而努力。他居住、供养和活动主要是在内蒙古地区 ,而他首次启建时轮金刚法会的地方正是达尔罕旗。近年在该旗发现“班禅额尔德尼莅慧丰寺传法记事碑” ,是他传法的真实记录 ,解开了历史谜团。他入驻中土后 ,维护祖国统一大业 ,弘扬佛法 ,启建八次时轮金刚法会 ,身兼国民政府委员等数职 ,奉行宣化。

关 键 词:九世班禅  达尔罕旗  传法  时轮金刚法会  班禅额尔德尼莅慧丰寺传法记事碑

The Ninth Banchen's Teaching and Spreading the Buddhism in Daerhan County
Burenbuhe.The Ninth Banchen''s Teaching and Spreading the Buddhism in Daerhan County[J].Journal of Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities(Social Sciences),2003,29(1):25-31.
Abstract:Because of a period of humiliation by the foreign and the internal incompleteness,during the long term of fourteen years the Ninth Barehan Erdeni led a wandering life in land and made a great efforts to strengthen the consolidation of the Tibetan and the Han nationality.It is Inner Mongolia where he mainly resided in,receiving the offering and lecturing.Furthermore,the place where he first founded Kala chakra Buddhist conference is Daerhan County.It was the genuine record of his teaching and spreading the Buddhism and also uncovered the historical mystery that the stele of Banchen Eredni's lecturing in HuiFeng temple had been discovered in the County recently.Stationed in inland ,the Ninth Banchen uphold the great cause of motherland's unity ,preached the theory of Buddhism ,founded Kalachakra Buddhist conference eight times,and took the post of comminttee member of national government and other several posts.
Keywords:The Ninth Banchen Erdeni  Daerhan county  Teach and spread the Buddhism  Kalachakra Buddhist conference  Stele of Banchen Eredni's Lectuing in HuiFeng temple    
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