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摘    要:毛泽东精神的核心是为人民谋幸福、重塑大国尊严,为实现中华民族伟大复兴而奋斗不止。它产生于青年毛泽东立下的远大志向,即改变中国一盘散沙、任人宰割的悲惨境况,为全天下痛苦的人免除苦难,谋幸福;形成于毛泽东为民族复兴所进行的艰辛的理论探索过程中;体现在毛泽东一生的奋斗、功业、著作和文章中。毛泽东精神不仅仅是民族精神的体现,更重要的是,他为民族精神注入新的内容.溶入每一位渴望民族复兴的中国人的血脉中,激励着他们为中华民族的伟大复兴不懈奋斗。

关 键 词:毛泽东精神  中华民族的伟大复兴  志向  探索  奋斗

Mao Zedong Spirits and the Great Rejuvenation of Chinese Nation
Institution:WANG Shen-jie (Party School of the Central Committee of the C.P.C., Beijing 100091, China)
Abstract:The core of Mao Zedong Spirits is incessant struggles for people's lives, nation's dignity and the great rejuvenation of Chinese Nation. It originated in young Mao Zedong's great ambitions to change China's disintegrated and humiliated state and to relieve suffering people from pains; it formed in Mao's hard theoretical explorations for national rejuvenation; it is embodied in Mao~s life-long struggling, achievements, works and articles. Mao Zedong spirit is more than reflection of national spirits. It enriches Chinese national spirits with new elements which dissolved into the vein of every Chinese people who longs for national rejuvenation and motivates them to unremitting struggle for the goal.
Keywords:Mao Zedong Spirits  great rejuvenation of Chinese nation  ambition  exploration  struggle
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