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摘    要:新文化运动以《新青年》为阵地,以北京大学为依托。《新青年》同人差不多都是北京大学的教授,在他们的周围有一批思想成熟的青年,同他们一起奋斗。是蔡元培先生把他们聚拢到一起,造成了新文化运动的中枢系统。蔡先生秉持思想自由,兼容并包的方针,成了他们衷心拥戴的精神领袖。无蔡元培,便没有新北大;无新北大,就没有一大批新人的聚拢,就没有影响全国的新文化运动。蔡元培"器局大,识见远",亲贤任才,放权让人做事,而自己挺身负其全责。这是很伟大的领袖风范。蔡先生的领袖风范,基于他的伟大人格的感召力。其为人外圆内方,待人敦厚,助人为乐;而在大原则上,正气凛然,毫无假借。在混乱的世局中,以"有所不为",而能"大有所为"。他一生两袖清风,人人信其高洁。蔡先生的人格来源于中国传统的人格教育,加上西方平等博爱的精神,足为后世垂范。

关 键 词:蔡元培  领袖风范  君子人格

Cai Yuanpei's Leadership Manner and Gentleman Personality
Authors:Geng Yunzhi
Abstract:The New-culture Movement was positioned on New-Youth and depended on Peking University. The New-Youth team was mainly consisted of the professors from Peking University and the intellectual-matured youth clustering around them. It was Cai Yuanpei who had gathered the team round and brought about the central nervous system of the New-culture Movement. Upholding the guard line of being tolerant to all intellectual schools, President Cai of Peking University was the guardian and spiritual leader of the team. Mr. Cai's leadership was based upon his great personality. Cai was easy going in manner and was always ready to help others, while sticking to principles he thought right. He had clean hands throughout his life, and his noble and unsullied character was believed in by all his contemporaries.
Keywords:Cai Yuanpei  leadership manner  gentleman personality
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