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作者姓名:    义
作者单位:(湖南省教育科学研究院,湖南 长沙 410008)
摘    要:辩证法认为宇宙是按照一定的规律不断地发展变化的,也是统一的。本体“A”的内部必然地发展异化为“A”与“非A”即“B”。在本体发展变化的系统里,每个层次内部的A、B、C、D、E、F……及其相互之间表达的是事物发展变化的逻辑关系;而在A、AB、ABC、ABCD、ABCDE、ABCDEF……每个层级之间表达的是事物发展的价值关系。按照这样的研究思路,研究人类历史的种种哲学辩证法形成及其相互之间旳同一关系,我们将会得到一个庞大而复杂的具有同一性的哲学辩证法体系。历史中所有哲学辩证法形式及其之间旳同一关系都会在这个体系中找到自己的位置。道立于二,物成于三。事物是“一分为三”的。“一”为一个事物,“二”为事物内部矛盾对立的双方,“三”即是矛盾双方经过对立斗争形成的具有新质的“一”即是“三”。“一分为二”是特殊时期特殊状态下事物存在与运动的规律;“一分为多”是事物的基本属性,也是事物存在的规律;“一分为三”能够包含与表达“一分为二”“一分为多”,是事物存在与运动的最普遍规律。“一分为三”既是辩证思维的全面而准确的简明表述,也是中国古代哲学对于世界哲学的重大贡献,是人类思想宝库最璀璨的明珠。

关 键 词:中国哲学  一分为三  辩证法  研究

On "One Divided into Three" and Dialectics
Abstract:Dialectics holds that the universe has been developing and changing continuously according to certain laws and is also unified. The internal development of noumenon "A" is inevitably dissimilated into "A" and "non-A" (i.e. "B"). In the developmental and changing system of noumenons, A, B, C, D, E, F... each level mutually represents the logic of development and change, while A, AB, ABC, ABCD, ABCDE, ABCDEF... each level reveals the value of development. Based on this, we will obtain a huge, complex system of philosophical dialectics with identity after studying the formation of all kinds of philosophical dialectics in human history and the identical relationship between them. All forms of philosophical dialectics in history and their identical relations will find their place in this system. Tao is established in two, things are achieved in three, and things are divided into three. "One" is one thing, "two" the two internal opposing sides of the thing, and "three" the new "one" formed through the conflicts between the two opposing sides. "One divided into two" is the law of the existence and movement of things in a particular period and state; "One divided into many" is the basic attribute of things, and also the law of their existence; "One divided into three" includes and expresses "one divided into two" and "one divided into many", which is the most universal law of the existence and movement of things. "One divided into three" is not only a kind of comprehensive and accurate expression of dialectical thinking in a concise way, but also a major contribution of ancient Chinese philosophy to world''s philosophy and the most brilliant pearl of human thought.
Keywords:Chinese philosophy  one divided into three  dialectics  research
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