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作者单位:(辅仁大学 宗教学系,台湾 新北 24205 )
摘    要:临卦的卦辞虽然简单,但是表达相当清晰,“元亨利贞”表达君王每年的例行祭祀,显示祭祀仍是国家大事,在君权神授的观念下,君王率领众臣与百姓来祭拜神灵,是延续古老信仰而来的宗教行为。后半段的“至于八月有凶”则指出祭祀已非万能有效的方法,君王或人民要能与神灵感应相通,绝不能只仰赖祭祀,祭祀当然还是需要的,但更重要的是君王与人民的忧患意识,恐惧天命的消逝将可能带来的灾祸,要有事先的预防与对应的行动,必须先从自身的道德与行为进行调整与提升,以慎德与敬德的自觉来作为生活与政事实践的指导原则。临卦爻辞的六临,是六种神人交感的模式,与天命的忧患意识更为紧密相关。初九是最佳的模式,六三是较差的模式。天人之间贵在无心而感与自然而化,肯定天命而又不被天命所束缚,感无不应,应无不化,一切顺乎心志就能合乎天性。最坏的状况是感而不应,神人之间天命不通,此时君王与人民会产生忧虑,不能不主动去面对以及思索解决之道,此种忧患意识也是回到自我心性的调整与转化上。

关 键 词:周易  临卦  卦辞  爻辞  生命关怀

The Cultural Connotation And Life Care of Lingu
ZHENG Zhi-ming.The Cultural Connotation And Life Care of Lingu[J].Journal of Hunan University(Social Sciences),2019(5):102-112.
Authors:ZHENG Zhi-ming
Abstract:Although simple, the hexagrams of Lingu express quite clearly, "yuan Henley zhen" expresses the annual ritual sacrifice of the king, which shows that sacrifice is still a national event. Under the concept of divine power, the king leads his ministers and people to worship the gods, which is a religious act to continue the ancient belief. During the second half of the "as for August have a fierce", points out that the sacrifice is not a universal and effective method of Kings or the people to the mines with divine inspiration, not can only rely on sacrifice, sacrifice is needed, of course, but more important is the king and the suffering consciousness of the people, fear of destiny to die could bring disaster, want to have in advance prevention and corresponding action, must first from their moral and behavior to adjust and improve, to ShenDe and respecting virtues of consciousness as a life and politics practice guidelines. The six phases of the remarks of the hexagrams and lines are the six modes of the interaction between man and woman, which are more closely related to the sense of anxiety about the destiny. The ninth day is the best mode, and the sixth day is the worse mode. Between heaven and man, it is important to feel and nature unintentionally, to affirm and not to be bound by the destiny of heaven, to feel all should, should all should be changed, everything in accordance with the mind can accord with nature. At this time, the king and the people will have worries and have to take the initiative to face them and think about the solution. This kind of worry consciousness also returns to the adjustment and transformation of self-nature.
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