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摘    要:从整顿吏治与整军经武两个方面论述了张之洞抚晋期间排湘斥淮的举措和政治取向,认为张之洞排湘斥淮的政治取向与清廷当时企图削弱湘淮势力的政治目的是一致的,清廷的扶植、张之洞独立不倚、公忠体国的政治品性及其对当时政治格局的准确把握,是其坚持排湘斥淮政治取向的原因,而张之洞抚晋期间的政治取向赢得了慈禧的信任,他因此进一步受倚重。

关 键 词:张之洞  政治取向  排湘斥淮

Zhang Zhidong's Political Orientation During His Governing of Shanxi Province
Abstract:When Zhang Zhidong's governed Shanxi province,his political inclination is repelling Xiang and Huai faction. We can come to this conclusion through analyzing his measures on screwing up official's discipline and reorganizing troops. I think his political inclination is in accordance with the political target of the central government of the Qing Dynasty,which wanted to weaken the power of Xiang and Huain faction. The reason that he insisted on this political inclination has three. First,the central government supported him. Second,his political character is just and patriotic. Third,he correctly recognized the political structure. His political inclination won Cixi, the then Emperor's trust,which leaded to his further promotion and the central government further depending on him.
Keywords:Zhang Zhidong's  political inclination  repelling xiang and Huai factions
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