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摘    要:<经典释文>是汉魏六朝以来群经音义的总汇.该书收录广博,考证精深,其成就可以从三个方面来总结:其一,<序录>阐明著书之缘由、条例,综述经学传授源流,为研读该书正文和了解唐以前经学发展沿革提供了基本线索;其二,采众本之音切为群经原文及注文标音,兼载诸儒的诂训,是后世了解诸经古音古义之津梁;其三,收异音异文,存佚音佚文,辨字音字形之是非,集汉魏以下校勘学的大成,保存了大量语言材料,是后世研究上古语言的宝藏.然而,<经典释文>也存在不尽人意的地方,由于时代及研究方法所限,该著作亦有是非莫辨、判断错误、取舍偏颇等不足之处.

关 键 词:经典释文  内容  作用  不足  述评  经典释文  错误  判断  著作  研究方法  存在  语言材料  保存  校勘学  汉魏  字形  字音  佚文  异文  异音  津梁  古音  标音  注文  音切

The Review of Jin Dian Shi Wen
XIAO Jian-chun.The Review of Jin Dian Shi Wen[J].Journal of Chengdu University of Technology:Social Sciences,2005,13(4):47-53.
Authors:XIAO Jian-chun
Abstract:Jin Dian Shi Wen is a book that collects the sounds and meanings of all Confucian classics.It includes widely and its textual research is smart and profound.The book's achievement can be concluded from three aspects.Firstly,the Preface of this book states the reason,notes on the use of the book and the origin and development of Confucian classics,which provides a basic clue for rightly understanding the history before Tang Dynasty.Secondly,Jin Dian Shi Wen collects and records other phonology books to pronounce the words of the classics and record the explanations of words in the classics,which is the basic way to learn the ancient sounds and meanings.Thirdly,the book collects the variant Hanzi and pronounciation in different editions,records lost words and sounds,distinguishes the Hanzi's form and sounds,which compiles the main achievement in collation and keeps plentiful linguistic materials that are the treasures for studying the language in ancient times.However,because of limitation of times and research methods,Jin Dian Shi Wen also has some defects in judgment and choice of the linguistic materials.
Keywords:Jin Dian Shi Wen  content  function  defect  review
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