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摘    要:魏晋南北朝时期政权对立、民族矛盾尖锐复杂和门阀居于主导地位的政治形势对这个时期历史观念、历史撰述形式都有很大影响,现实政治斗争在历史撰述中往往有直接反映。首先,南书谓北为"索虏",北书指南为"岛夷",这是政权对立与正闰之争在历史撰述中的表现,是正闰问题的一种重要表现形式。魏晋南北朝时期皇朝史撰述中以一系相承或一脉相传为特征的正闰问题,虽然仅是史家历史撰述时的一种笔下安排,但在这个时期已经超出历史撰述方法的学术范畴而成为一种政治方法,在当时有着特别重要的政治意义。其次,崔浩的"国书案"是北魏前期重要的政治事件,也是当时政治斗争在史学上的反映,是借史学问题而进行的政治斗争。重姓族、崇门阀是崔浩的基本思想,也是崔浩罹祸的根源所在,崔浩的贵族政治理想与鲜卑统治者发生矛盾是《国书》案的导火线,国史只不过是这些矛盾的一种激烈的表现形式而已。再次,《魏书》在当时招来众口哗然,号为"秽史",这是门阀意识在历史撰述中的突出反映。围绕《魏书》的这场政治斗争,不能不说是北朝史学与政治关系密切的一个缩影。

关 键 词:魏晋南北朝  史学理论  史学史  史学与政治的关系

Relations between Historiography and Politics in the Period of Wei Jin Nan Bei Dynasties
LI Chuan-yin.Relations between Historiography and Politics in the Period of Wei Jin Nan Bei Dynasties[J].Academic forum of nandu,2004,24(1):34-38.
Authors:LI Chuan-yin
Abstract:The relation between history and politics is an important theoretical problem.It is also an important realistic problem in the development of both history and society.History and politics are closely related with each other.During Wei Jin Nan Bei dynasties,because of political split the nations and classes contradiction are very intense.The family of power and influence is playing the leading role.Thus the relation between history and politics get its great manifestation.One of the outstanding characteristics of history development during this period is the complexity and speciality of the relations between history and politics.The phenomenon of debate between Sou Nu and Dao Yi is the prominent manifestation of political split in history drafting.Because of the important role history played in politics,Cui Hao drafting dynastic history and the fact that Wei Shou wrote.Wei Shu had become a political battle at that time.
Keywords:Wei Jin Nan Bei Dynasties  history theory  historiography  relations between history and politics
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