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作者姓名:沈松勤  路璐
摘    要:苏轼谪居黄州期间,“覃思于《易》”,著成以“致用”为务的《苏氏易传》。《苏氏易传》深深影响到苏轼的黄州词创作,其影响是建立在创作主体的实践精神与心路历程之上的。苏轼撰写《易传》的目的主要是解决身处“命与志不相谋”的困境中如何安顿人生的问题。其中对“道”“情”“性”“命”之关系的思考,以及在思考中形成的刚中柔外、内足而自在的理想人格和性命自得的人生境界,不仅作为学理层面的思想形态而出现,更重要的是作为谪居生活中的实践形态而存在,并转化成为苏轼黄州词创作的内在动力和抒情言志的基本元素,尤其是通过“醉”“梦”“舟”等意象,将其《易传》中的“无心”思想艺术化,创造出别具内涵且又情理圆融的词境,“新天下耳目”,在唐宋词史上全面确立了“士大夫之词”。

A Study of Su Shi's Huangzhou Ci Creation from the Perspective of Su Shi Yizhuan
Shen Songqin Lu Lu.A Study of Su Shi's Huangzhou Ci Creation from the Perspective of Su Shi Yizhuan[J].Journal of Zhejiang University(Humanities and Social Sciences),2019,5(1):109.
Authors:Shen Songqin Lu Lu
Abstract:During his exile in Huangzhou, Su Shi was ″in deep thought of Yi″. With a practical purpose he finished Su Shi Yizhuan which largely influenced his Huangzhou Ci creation based on his practical mentality. In his whole life, Su Shi followed the doctrine of ″self-improvement″ and ″helping others″, with different emphasis in different periods. Before the Wutai Poetry Case, Su Shi involved himself in political activities to serve the people, contribute to the society, improve his self-morality, realize his own value, and integrate the doctrine of ″self-improvement″ and ″helping others″ into political practices. After the Wutai Poetry Case, he focused on self-improvement in distress and hardship in Huangzhou. In the self-examination of the practical activities of ″helping others″, he managed to solve the problem of how to settle down himself in the predicament of ″dissonance of life and ambition″ starting from ″mind elevation″, and to improve his personality of self-sufficiency, innate firmness and outside softness in the renewal process of ″self-determination″, ″righteousness and broad-mindedness″, thus completing the transformation of his life in the Huangzhou period. Su Shi's spirit and personality existed not only as an ideological form in the level of Yi-ology, but also as a practical form in his exile life, which was transformed into an internal motive of his creation of Huangzhou Ci and the basic elements of expressing his feelings and aspirations. Many of Su Shi's Huangzhou poems are directly based on his Yizhuan, turning the ″unintentional″ thought into art and creating a brand-new Ci conception with unique connotations and perfect senses, especially through the images of ″drunkenness″, ″dream″, ″boat″, etc. This artistic conception showed a kind of mild and firm spiritual strength acquired from the life attitude of his resting mind and self-contentment after he got out of the period of turmoil and predicaments and experienced the process of self-renewal. When Su Shi entered the real world with this spiritual force and described his life experience in his poems, his Huangzhou Ci vividly displayed the affinity of the real world and the spiritual beauty of life in a rational and harmonious way, and created the daily artistic conception of ″the chastity of life″ and a refreshing style of Ci, thus establishing the Ci of scholar bureaucrat in the history of Ci in the Tang and Song Dynasties.
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