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摘    要:流传甚广的一个说法,即苏轼自称“渊明形神似我,乐天心相似我”。其实此非东坡原文,乃后人转述,其讹盖始于宋人王直方。尽管并不准确,但走形未走神,道出了陶、白、苏三人之联系,其间脉络关系复杂。苏轼对待陶、白两位前贤的形、影、神、身、心等范畴,有承有变,有离有合。由形神之辨至身心之辨,成为玄学至宋学一大转关。从晋代陶渊明的形影神释,到唐代白居易的身心问答,再到宋代苏东坡的物我相忘,形成三位异代大诗人的心灵对话。首先,这种对话是通过向前代先贤追和的形式,建立起彼此互文的关系。其次,这种对话是立局、入局与破局的过程。立者高,入则套,破须巧。最后,这种对话也构筑起中国文人范式的三块重要基石,中国文人思想也随之经历了起、转、合的三个阶段。

关 键 词:苏轼  陶渊明  白居易  形影神  身心意  物我  

Between the Xing,Ying, Shen and the Shen,Xin, Yi: Based on Su Shi Compared to Tao Yuanming and Bai Juyi
Chen Caizhi.Between the Xing,Ying, Shen and the Shen,Xin, Yi: Based on Su Shi Compared to Tao Yuanming and Bai Juyi[J].Journal of Zhejiang University(Humanities and Social Sciences),2018,48(2):129-137.
Authors:Chen Caizhi
Abstract:The figure type of Bai Juyi(Bai Letian) stems from Tao Yuanming and guides Su Shi(Su Dongpo). It is one of the most important three character types in Chinese literati. Bai Juyi once drew an analogy between Tao Yuanming and himself, while Su Shi once said he was a bit like Bai Juyi. Actually, from the perspective of inheriting and passing down, Tao Yuanming is the Bai Letian in Jin Dynasty and Su Dongpo is the Bai Juyi in Song Dynasty. Trough discussion of one poem of Su Shi, This paper has elaborated three important litterateur figures in China, namely Tao Yuanming, Bai Juyi and Su Shi, regarding the inheriting and passing down of Xing, Ying, Shen and Shen, Xin, Yi. Su Shi once wrote in his poem that he was alike with Tao Yuanming with respect to Xing and Shen, and was similar to Letian with respect to Xin and Shen. The so-called Xing, Ying, Shen refer to physics, fame, and sprit separately. Su Shi wrote three poems about Tao Yuanming, from which we can see his great admiration for Tao Yuanming. In Su Shi’s eyes, Tao was the one that had a comprehensive understanding of the whole World and himself as well. But Bai Juyi was the one who first discovered the cultural value of Tao Yuanming before Su Shi. Admiring both Tao and Bai, Su seized the opportunity of writing comments for the book called Letian Shenxin Wenda collected by one of his friends to express his own opinion. Including Xing, Ying, Shen of Tao’s and Shen Xin of Bai’s, Su put forward two other concepts called Wu and Wo and discussed the interactions between Wu and Wo. The Tao Yuanming’s Xing, Ying, Shen was all based on internal World which viewed the World from one’s own perspective. In comparison, Bai’s Shen Xin involved external World, which attached more importance to the interaction between the inner world and the outside World. While Su Shi’s opinion on this issue was that both Xing & Shen and Shen & Xin were two sides of a coin, complementary to each other and could not be divided. The Tao Yuanming’s Xing, Ying, Shen in Jin Dynasty, the Bai Juyi’s Shen Xin in Tang Dynasty and the Su Dongpo’s Wu Wo in Song Dynasty accomplish the spiritual communication between the three poets from different dynasties. This communication lays a solid foundation for Chinese literati character pattern, and led three major changes of the thoughts of Chinese literati which happened in the ages of Yuanjia, Yuanhe and Yuanyou (also called San Yuan or San Guan in the history of poetics). Why those changes are so important is mainly because they inquire large space and also more time to take place. And representatives like Tao, Bai and Su are highly needed for the transitions to be admitted by the whole society.
Keywords:Su Shi  Tao Yuanming  Bai Juyi  Xing Ying Shen   Shen Xin Yi   Wu Wo  
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