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摘    要:伏生《尚书大传》流传至明朝,已经亡逸,清代为之搜罗辑佚者,多达十余家,成果颇可观。然清末湖湘学者王闿运不满意于前人之成绩,遂以雅雨堂、陈寿祺二本参校,并增补郑玄之注,以成《尚书大传补注》一书。王校于二家各有所取,并不专主一家,或兼弃二家,独出一己之见。由于此书纂著之目的,即是用作书院讲授之教本,故极为简明扼要,并不繁冗,实为初习者极佳之入门之作。而王氏另辟补注之举,则异于前人,此则有助于研读《大传》之理解。

关 键 词:王闿运  《尚书大传补注》  雅雨堂本  陈寿祺本

On the Compilation of Shangshu Dazhuan Buzhu by Wang Kaiyun
Institution:CHIANG Chiuhua (Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Siniea, Taipei 11529, Taibei, China)
Abstract:Fusheng's Shangshu Dazhuan had been lost to the ages in the Ming Dynasty.During the Qing Dynasty,more than ten editions were retrieved.Wang Kaiyun,a renowned scholar of the Huxiang area at the end of the Qing Dynasty,however,found these editions inadequate and provided a new edition,Shangshu Dazhuan Buzhu.To be more concrete,Wang cross-examined the existent editions of Yayutang amd of Chen Shouqi,choosing from either of them or replacing them with his own views;he also adopted Zheng Xuan's Shangshu Zhu with supplemsnts.Since Wang Kaiyun prepared his Shangshu Dazhuan Buzhu as a textbook for teaching,this book is both simple and succinct, which serves as an excellent introduction for beginners.In addition,Wang's approach of supplementing Zheng's notation to Shangshu was unprecedented and has been helpful to the understanding of Shangshu Dazhuan.
Keywords:Wang Kaiyun  Shangshu Dazhuan Buzhu  the edition of Yayutang  the edition of Chen Shouqi
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