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摘    要:西洋交际舞这种娱乐方式,突破了男女社交的界限,包含着社交公开、男女平等的新理念。故从它传入中国起,便引起了维护传统道德、封建礼教的守旧者的非难和抵制,由此引起的争论始终不断。1927年天津名流掀起的禁舞风波,是西舞传入中国后都市民众思想观念的一次集中展现。跳舞有伤风化、破坏礼教,还是正当的新式娱乐?跳舞是一种“肉欲的冲动”,还是一种“美欲的体现”?跳舞是一种高尚娱乐,还是一种如同娼妓般的罪恶?跳舞导致了道德的堕落与礼教的破坏,还是促发了男女平等与社交公开?围绕这些问题,新旧两派展开了激烈争论,社会各界竞相发表自己的意见。本文在认真考察这一风波前因后果的基础上,展现当时都市民众关于跳舞问题的复杂观念,评析新旧两派在跳舞问题上的观念分歧,揭示近代中国都市社会及其观念演变之曲折性。

关 键 词:跳舞  礼教  名流  社会风化  娱乐方式

Dancing and Courtesy: Prohibition against Dancing in Tianjin in 1927
ZUO Yu-he.Dancing and Courtesy: Prohibition against Dancing in Tianjin in 1927[J].Hebei Academic Journal,2005,25(5):111-120.
Authors:ZUO Yu-he
Abstract:The Western ballroom dancing with the idea that men and women are equal contradicted the Chinese traditional virtues and courtesy from the time when it was introduced into China. In 1927 the Tianjin's celebrities prohibited this kind of dancing, resulting in so many debates about its qualities. Is it a new kind of amusement or worsening of courtesy? Is it embodiment of beauty or impulsion of flesh desire? This paper, based on this event of dancing, reveals the complex ideas of the people and the sinuosity of urban society and ideas in modern China.
Keywords:dancing  courtesy  celebrity  social customs  styles of amusement  
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