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摘    要:汉晋时期河西地域学术经历了从无到有,进而发展壮大为北中国学术中心的历史过程。从地理空间上来看,儒学是由东向西传播的。外来之佛学则与之相反。佛学在其东传过程中,必然要与地域社会发生关系,尤其与地缘政治。汉晋河西汉译佛经中心经历了由敦煌到姑臧,以及姑臧中心解体的过程。敦煌成为汉译佛经中心,得益于其华戎交会、远离中原政治中心的地缘政治环境;姑臧成为中心,得益于其为河西礼佛小国,如前凉、后凉、南凉、北凉等本土豪族政权的政治、经济和文化中心;姑臧汉译佛教中心的解体,则是由北魏荡平北凉政权所致。由此可以看出,河西汉晋佛教与地缘政治的关系是:地缘政治控制着士族在区域社会的发展空间,士族势力的涨落左右着区域佛教的兴衰,而佛教僧团则利用其为家族佛教与王室佛教的影响力,与区域政治势力相颉颃。因此,汉晋河西文化的繁荣,不仅有本土士族与外来避乱之儒英之贡献,传教之僧侣亦功不可没。

关 键 词:汉晋  佛教  地缘政治  

The Environment of Political Geography in Hexi Area and Transfer of Chinese Buddhist Scripture Translation Centre in the Han and Jin Dynasties
Li Zhijun.The Environment of Political Geography in Hexi Area and Transfer of Chinese Buddhist Scripture Translation Centre in the Han and Jin Dynasties[J].Academic Monthly,2008(12).
Authors:Li Zhijun
Abstract:The location of Chinese Buddhist Scripture translation centre in Hexi area was transferred from Dunhuang to Guzang,finally,the center of Guzang was destroyed by Beiwei Dynasty from the Han to the Jin Dynasty.The centre was located at Dunhuang which benefited from the freely political geography environment of frontier.The centre was located at Guzang,because it was the centre of political,economic and culture in Qianliang,Nanliang and Beiliang Dynasty which believed Buddhist too much.From the process,we can ...
Keywords:Han and Jin Dynasties  Buddhist  political geography  
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