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摘    要:僧诗和诗僧肇自江南,盛于江南,成为江南文化的一大特色和亮点。江南僧诗多以意趣取胜,清幽高逸,自在自然,迷心顿悟,万法皆空,常显出凛然的气骨,豁然的心胸,超然的精神,亦常有一种明丽,一种愉悦,一种活泼;其表达方式,借助江南山水风物,寓人心于物象,寄无相于现相,近而不浮,远而不尽,使人能触摸虚空,目击道存。江南僧诗亦常抒世俗情怀,对爱情的咏叹多用乐府体,这是江南民歌的历史传统,也是出家僧人的抒写策略;而抒发强烈的怀母情感,主要与江南区域地藏王菩萨崇拜有关;僧诗抒写友情,尤其对生离死别的理解,则见出江南僧人的文化性格。总体看,博学重教的区域传统造就江南诗僧的文化素养,审美主义的人文习尚引领僧侣的诗歌爱好,钟灵毓秀的山水自然提供艺术体验的最佳对象,活泼自在的生活情调使僧人的社会交往呈开放性特征,社会经济的发展加深了江南佛教的世俗化程度:正是江南区域的文化个性和现实生态,铸就了江南僧诗的独特魅力。

关 键 词:江南  佛教  诗歌  文化因缘

The Connotation of Jiangnan Monk Poem and Its Cultural Relations
Zha Qinghua.The Connotation of Jiangnan Monk Poem and Its Cultural Relations[J].Academic Monthly,2012(4):108-114.
Authors:Zha Qinghua
Institution:Zha Qinghua
Abstract:The monk poets and their articles has been a great bright point in Jiangnan culture,these hermitic elegant poems tend to embrace the sensible feelings in natural image which usually shining with brightness and joviality.Influenced by Jiangnan’s folk song tradition and worship of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva,the monk poets always describe the secular emotions like friendship,love and moral obligation to parents,from these we can also conclude the monk poets’ unique cultural character.Living in a society of good civilization,surrounding by Jiangnan area’s beautiful natural scenery,feeling the secular process of buddha religion in prosperous economic environment,shaping by those particular elements in Jiangnan,the poets from the temple created their own aesthetic scene which merit attention,and became a great literary phenomenon in history.
Keywords:Jiangnan  Buddhist  poems  cultural tradition
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