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Educators and researchers strive to use terms that reflect a replicable measure of behavior. A term commonly used to describe drinking of a problematic nature is binge drinking. Binge drinking defines behavior by a number of drinks of an alcoholic beverage consumed in a space of time. The authors argue that the term does not describe drinking behavior that students believe is problematic. They claim that students define problem drinking not in terms of quantity, but rather by the outcome (and occasionally by frequency), and attribute different negative connotations to the term binge. They suggest using a term that has shared meaning with students, such as dangerous drinking, to describe the drinking behavior that results in undesirable or unintended consequences.  相似文献   

The ease with which a person can travel abroad may greatly impact the possibilities of what they can achieve in life. Previous scholars have found that as a country politically liberalizes and becomes wealthier its nationals can travel to more countries without a visa. After analysing data from Henley and Partners, the World Bank, and Freedom House for 154 countries, I find that this is only true for nationals from countries with above-average incomes. Among the bottom half of countries in the income distribution and the most unequal societies, nationals in politically free countries do not have greater visa-free mobility than nationals in less politically free countries. The higher a country's income per capita, the more travel opportunities its citizens lose because their society is not completely politically free. My findings have implications for how policymakers evaluate the costs of both migration policies and policies that politically and economically liberalize societies.  相似文献   

A key theoretical concept in the study of technological disasters is “recreancy,” which refers to perception that institutional actors have failed to carry out their responsibilities in a manner that engenders societal trust. Using household survey data from the Community Oil Spill Survey (COSS) to assess recreancy in the context of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, we analyze four waves of the COSS collected between 2010 and 2013 to explore respondents’ perceptions of blame and distrust in relation to key institutional actors associated with the disaster, paying special attention to the influence of time and employment in natural resource occupations. We show that BP is clearly viewed as the principal responsible party at fault for the disaster and that the odds of blaming BP and the federal government have held relatively steady over time, while the odds of blaming state government increased over time. We find high levels of distrust of BP and the federal government, but show that odds of being distrustful of both institutional actors was significantly lower three years after the spill. Fishing households were significantly more likely to blame and be distrustful of institutional actors, a finding that is strongly consistent with theoretical expectations.  相似文献   

共享单车由粗放竞争迈向有序发展过程中,精准把握其出行需求特征是至关重要的基础,共享单车庞大的数量、复杂多样的出行特征长期以来也是其运营和管理上的难点.该文基于GIS空间数据、共享单车实际运营和手机信令等多源数据,以上海市为例,对共享单车的出行特征、热点和需求进行了分析,提出了基于点、线、核的密度计算和分区分析方法.同时...  相似文献   

While violence problems are a staple of both the mass media and work by constructionist social problems theorists, most of the latter has focused on violent adults. Constructionist research suggests that the media depict violent persons as evil victimizers, deserving of fear and condemnation, and their victims as deserving of sympathy. This article extends the constructionist literature on violence problems by examining news stories that construct youth violence as a social problem. My findings suggest that these media constructions are considerably more complex than previous work has claimed. Specifically, I find that the media (a) contextualize youth violence by casting extant, familiar social problems as its origins and (b) engender an ambiguous sense of culpability and ambivalent emotional orientations toward violent youth. This complexity is shaped, in part, by the media's appropriation of two seemingly contradictory cultural discourses—the evil, violent predator and the innocent child. I suggest that although aspects of these findings may be specific to the problem of violent youth, the contextualization, ambiguity, and ambivalence may well be found in social constructions of a variety of other problems.  相似文献   

Growing disparities in development outcomes are storing up trouble for current and future generations. In addition to the moral issues raised and the intrinsic welfare effects for those experiencing relative deprivation, this article argues that recent research supports a stronger public‐policy focus on equity. Increasing inequity blunts both growth and the ability of growth to translate into human‐development outcomes, and puts institutions, social cohesion and the productivity of future generations at risk. The article highlights new micro evidence suggesting that a focus on the most marginal might well lead to higher benefit:cost ratios, and outlines the choices that need to be made to generate a more equity‐focused policy agenda.  相似文献   

Cross-cultural comparison can offer critical input to analyses of the interplay between formal and informal services for the elderly. Israel and Sweden have very different population structures and represent different points on the spectrum of welfare state development: Sweden has a much higher percentage of elderly, a less traditional family structure, and a much more developed system of public support. In addition, there are thought to be different attitudes toward family ties, with a less family-oriented value structure in Sweden. The natural question is to what extent these differences translate into differences in the extent and nature of family support for the elderly. In this article, family structure, living arrangements, disability rates, and formal and informal sources of help in Sweden and Israel are compared at various points in time. While there is a greater rate of formal service provision in Sweden and some substitution for family support seems to have occurred, informal care has nevertheless remalned important. In both countries, residential palterns are critical: it is when the elderly live alone that the formal system has tended to replace the family. The rate of institutionalization is particularly important in determining the rate of disabled elderly requiring care, both formal and informal, in the community.  相似文献   

This study tested the effects on social perceptions of sexual marital rights and duties of ambivalent sexist ideology and information about the benevolent sexist ideology of a husband, portrayed in a hypothetical marital vignette. In addition, the perception of whether hypothetical forced sex between husband and wife is considered rape was explored. For one half of the participants (college students), the husband was presented as high in benevolent sexism (BS); and for the other half, no information about his ideology was given. Results showed that participants in the first group ranked sexual marital rights (for him) and duties (for her) more highly, and regarded forced sex as rape to a lesser extent. Positive relationships were also found between participants’ BS and these ratings. Moreover, participants’ perceptions of marital rights and duties played a mediating role in the relationship between their BS and their perception of forced penetration as rape. Finally, an interaction was found between participants’ and husbands’ BS in the perception of marital rights and duties: The influence of participants’ BS was higher when the husband was presented as a benevolent sexist man. Results highlight the role of sexist attitudes in the interpretation of marital rape.  相似文献   


This paper describes the development of the student laptop initiative at the University of Strathclyde, examines the process by which this project became an embedded service and assesses the impact that this technology-rich, pedagogically flexible initiative has had on institutional structures, roles and processes. The authors use the MIT90s Model for Institutional Change to explore the way in which technology influences organisational development. A wealth of quantitative and qualitative evidence has been gathered over the last 7 years to support the examination of whether the benefits of the initiative justify the cost to the student and to the institution.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the impact of managerial social status on the normative evaluation of managerial acts in organizational contexts. We test several propositions on the relationship between social status and normative evaluation derived from Donald Black's theoretical framework on social control. The research design consists of a factorial survey of 200 managers. Each respondent evaluated the seriousness of a normatively questionable managerial act. In each vignette, the perpetrator's social status was systematically manipulated in either a high or a low condition. The results generally support the argument that the higher a manager's social status the less vulnerable that individual is to unfavorable normative evaluations, holding constant the act. The paper closes with discussion of our findings in light of social structural and rational choice perspectives on informal social control in organizations. Additionally, we discuss methodological issues related to experimental research on informal social control in organizations, the consistency of our findings with those from previous studies of social control across diverse settings, potential theoretical applications and extensions of Black's framework in organizational contexts, and practical implications for the implementation of corporate codes of conduct and corporate dispute resolution systems.  相似文献   

The pyramidal shape of most organizations dictates that virtually all careers will level out before an employee reaches the top of the institution, agency, or corporation. How to maintain or enhance worker productivity and job satisfaction when an employee remains at a career level that discourages one's aspirations are concerns for career counselors, their clients, and organizational executives. This article defines career plateauing, explains types and sources of plateauing, and suggests counseling interventions that can help individuals to recognize and adjust to plateauing. In addition, we recommend proactive measures that will perpetuate the work motivation of effectively-performing plateaued workers as well as remediate the work behavior of the ineffective, plateaued worker. One of life's maxims is that all careers reach a level after which no higher achievement can be expected. From night watchguard to chief executive officer, each person's career has its apex. Thus, career plateauing is inevitable for all who strive and struggle in the work world (Bardwick, 1986). The point in time when an individual will experience, if not recognize, career plateauing is difficult to predict as is the extent to which that person can influence the timing or impact of this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Understanding the use of rural space: the need for multi-methods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although the late 1990s saw increasing use of qualitative data in rural studies and a turn towards issues such as identities and the construction of rurality, many rural researchers still rely on a range of different methods and use both qualitative and quantitative data. However, the challenge of combining quantitative and qualitative data and using different methods is a theme not often dealt with in rural studies, at least not explicitly. This paper (re-)turns the attention to implications of using various methods and combining different types of data for studying a subject matter called ‘the use of rural space’. It concerns both physical land use and the practice and values of individual actors influencing the land use. We emphasise interplay between methodology and philosophy throughout the research process and argue for using multi-methods without compromising the integrity of the different methods. The methodological approach is a combined study of practice and values of individual actors. Two examples—one concerning Senegalese pastoralists’ livelihoods and their use of mobility and one concerning landowners’ location of field afforestation in Denmark—illustrate how the approach facilitates quite different studies of both practice and values and how quantitative and qualitative data can be combined in a non-eclectic way.  相似文献   

We argue that due to the modern‐day prevalence of colorblind racism, the impact of interracial contact on whites’ racial consciousness is limited. By comparing two qualitative data sets of white antiracists and whites who have a close black friend, we find there are a good number of whites for whom relationships with people of color are not the prime impetus for becoming antiracist. Whites often bracket out their black friends from their limited understandings of racism, and white antiracists often adopt progressive ideologies from other whites. Even when interracial contact is part of white antiracists’ experiences, it often is but one small step in a process of sensitization to an antiracist counterideology. The bearers of this antiracist ideology (the “message”) may or may not be persons of color (the assumed “messengers”) so we explore a variety of ways that this “message” takes hold (or not) among whites. While not discounting contact theory altogether, we make plain that colorblindness is a major factor limiting its explanatory power. We conclude by discussing the methodological and theoretical implications of our findings for sociological race relations research.  相似文献   

This paper reports the key research findings related to personal and family safety of rural welfare and social workers, from a study conducted in rural Victoria, Australia. Significant findings included concerns about personal and family safety, frequency of episodes of work related violence and harassment, and the resultant impact on personal and family activities. A range of useful strategies was identified to combat and cope with both the risk and experience of violence and harassment for the worker, and for their families. Workplaces, professional associations and educators need to recognise the impact of this occupational hazard and respond with sensitivity to these issues, which have particular relevance for rural practitioners where anonymity and privacy are frequently compromised.  相似文献   

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